Reputation: 5220
EDIT: I managed to get together couple of simple examples
Could anyone help me with simple neat example teaching the net how to solve XOR or some other similar problem? But using the NEAT technique so that I would not have to specify training data set?
Using javascript: or
1. Initialize network
2. Generate generation
3. Go through each genome in generation and evaluate its fitness (how good it is)
4. Take 2 best genomes from generation
5. Merge genomes 50 / 50 at random
6. Mutate final genome
7. Generate second generation
This would be extremely helpful. Same teqnique is being used here:
I went through the source code but there is WAY to much stuff going on. I understand the general idea. However I have no idea how to implement the solution.
Thank you :)
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Views: 1260
Reputation: 921
I know this is quite an old question, and neataptic isn't very widely used, but I found a much simpler way to implement this so i thought i'd share
const { Neat } = require('neataptic');
function fitness(network) {
let score = 0;
score += Math.abs(0 - network.activate([0,0])[0]);
score += Math.abs(1 - network.activate([0,1])[0]);
score += Math.abs(1 - network.activate([1,0])[0]);
score += Math.abs(0 - network.activate([1,1])[0]);
score = -score;
return score;
(async () => {
const neat = new Neat(2 ,1 ,fitness, {});
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
await neat.evolve();
const fittest = neat.getFittest();
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Reputation: 5220
I managed to write my own solution. You can find it here:
The main difference from the solution in documentation is that in genetic.js
you can dynamically change the learning process.
This is entry file:
const genetic = require('./genetic')
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < 1000; iteration += 1) {
const genom = genetic.neat.population[0]
Result for genom with index 0 in the newest population. Note that selection / mutation happened
after we called last evolve function so this is not necessarily the best genome in the population.
[0, 0] = ${genom.activate([0, 0])} (should be 0)
[1, 1] = ${genom.activate([1, 1])} (should be 0)
[0, 1] = ${genom.activate([0, 1])} (should be 1)
[1, 0] = ${genom.activate([1, 0])} (should be 1)
This is genetic.js
const { Neat, architect } = require('neataptic')
module.exports = {
neat: null, //
possibleInputs: [
[0, 0], // expected output 0
[1, 1], // expected output 0
[0, 1], // expected output 1
[1, 0], // expected output 1
generateRandomPopulation: function () {
this.neat = new Neat(
2, // number of inputs
1, // number of outputs
null, // fitnessFunction - in this example we are calculating fitness inside live method
elitism: 5, // this sets how many genomes in population will be passed into next generation without mutation
mutationRate: 0.3, // sets the mutation rate. If set to 0.3, 30% of the new population will be mutated. Default is 0.3
network: //
new architect.Random(
// the closer the output gets to expectedOutput the better
// note that optimal fitness in this example is 0 neural network seems to work fine though
calculateFitness: function (expectedOutput, output) {
let closeCount = Math.abs(expectedOutput - output)
let fitness = closeCount * -1
return fitness
live: function () {
// increment generation index
this.neat.generation += 1
// loop through each genome
for (let genomeIndex in this.neat.population) {
const possibleInputs = this.possibleInputs
const genome = this.neat.population[genomeIndex]
genome.score = 0
// loop through each input
for (let i = 0; i < possibleInputs.length; i += 1) {
let input = possibleInputs[i]
// test each input
let output = genome.activate(input)[0]
// calculate fitness for each output
// we have 4 different inputs so the total score is sum of 4 different fitness values
if (i <= 1) {
genome.score += this.calculateFitness(0, output)
} else {
genome.score += this.calculateFitness(1, output)
evolve: function () {
const neat = this.neat
console.log(`[generation ${neat.generation}] Average score: ${neat.getAverage()} (the closer to zero the better)`)
// sort by genome.score in descending order
// our new population will be here
let newPopulation = []
// we want to push neat.elitism number of best genomes into the new population automatically
for (let i = 0; i < neat.elitism; i++) {
// we want to get offspring from the current population and push it into the new population
for (let i = 0; i < neat.popsize - neat.elitism; i++) {
// set new population
neat.population = newPopulation
// mutate the population
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Reputation: 6759
There is an example on Neataptic's
// this network learns the XOR gate (through neuro-evolution)
var network = new Network(2,1);
var trainingSet = [
{ input: [0,0], output: [0] },
{ input: [0,1], output: [1] },
{ input: [1,0], output: [1] },
{ input: [1,1], output: [0] }
await network.evolve(trainingSet, {
equal: true,
error: 0.03
Neataptic has it all built-in so all you have to provide is a data set. If you need more info on how this has been set up, read this article.
For problems with dynamic solutions, a custom loop and fitness function has to be implemented.
Upvotes: 1