Reputation: 1103
So I have a piechart that changes dynamically. I want to show the value of each slice when mouse over the slice, but I am not sure how to create the tooltip when onHovered is triggered. I use
qt 5.9.1 & import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
UPDATE: I have added some code to explain how I create the slices. Here is the code:
function onUpdateValues(values){
console.debug("CHART TYPE ERROR");
function createPieChart(data){
for (var prop in data) {
var new_slice = pieserieschart.append(prop, data[prop]);
new_slice.tooltip = prop + ": " + data[prop]
//I tried using hovered signal (and without), but it's not doing any difference
new_slice.hovered.connect(function(state) { new_slice.tooltip.visible = state })
//If I replace the above line by the next one, I can see the console.log info, but the tooltip is not enabled
new_slice.hovered.connect(function(state) { sliceHovered(new_slice, state) })
function sliceHovered(slice, value){
slice.enabled = true
console.log("Slice hovered: " + slice.tooltip + " " + value)
ChartView { /* Chart */
PieSeries {
id: pieserieschart;
size: 1;
holeSize: 0.55;
onClicked: sliceClicked(slice);
I can see the console.log but I am not able to see the tooltip, and the application output doesn't show any error, but tooltip is not triggered
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Views: 1759
Reputation: 51
I know that maybe you don't need this anymore, but as I had the same problem and reached this question, I'll post my solution to the position on the slice.
First, I did not used the chartView.ToolTip, because it didn't allow me to move on the plane... So I make a ToolTip{ } element, with visibility = false.
The high school math now made it worth it. The PieSlice has 2 useful properties: startAngle (on the circle, where the pie starts) and angleSpan (angle used by the pie). As I have the angle, I can use some math magics to find the X and Y.
Tricky parts: the angle is clockwise, and the geometry stuff is measure counter-clockwise. So I have to convert the angle from clockwise to counter first... And the start point in geometry is different from Qt Charts, I have to compensate by reducing -90 from the origin...
As i want the hint be presented in the middle of the slice, I sum half of the angleSpan to the startAngle.
And after suffer a lot, I realize that the Math.cos and Math.sin uses the input in RADIANS, not in degree. I converted from angle to rad and... that's it. I hope this can help someone else lost like me =) .
visible: false;
onHovered: {
if (state){
// 360 + angle clockwise to convert to counter-clw.
//-90 to compensate the QML charts start point
var angle =(360+ (-1*(slice.startAngle-90+(slice.angleSpan/2))));
if(angle > 360){ //Reduce to one spin, preventing high angles
angle -=360;
angle = (angle*Math.PI)/180; //convert to radians
var offsetX = Math.cos(angle);
var offsetY = Math.sin(angle);
sliceToolTip.x = (chartView.width/2 - (sliceToolTip.width/2)) + ((chartView.width/16)* offsetX*3);
sliceToolTip.y = (chartView.height/2 - (sliceToolTip.height/2)) - ((chartView.height/9)*offsetY*3); // My screen is 16:9, so I made a proportion to match the circle, as my charts goes with anchors.centerIn: parent
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5836
Relevant docs:
ChartView {
id: chartView
PieSeries {
onHovered: {
if (state) + ":" + slice.value)
Upvotes: 5