Brad Solomon
Brad Solomon

Reputation: 40878

Linear least-squares solution for 3d inputs


Say I have two arrays with the following shapes:

My intent is to find the z independent vectors of least-squares coefficient solutions. I.e. the first solution is from regressing y[0] on x[0], where those inputs have shape (b, ) and (b, c) respectively. (b observations, c features.) The result would be shape (z, c).

Some example data

x = np.random.randn(190, 20, 3)
y = np.random.randn(190, 20)  # Assumes no intercept term

# First vector of coefficients
np.linalg.lstsq(x[0], y[0])[0]
# array([-0.12823781, -0.3055392 ,  0.11602805])

# Last vector of coefficients
np.linalg.lstsq(x[-1], y[-1])[0]
# array([-0.02777503, -0.20425779,  0.22874169])

NumPy's least-squares solver lstsq can't operate on these. (With my intended result being shape (190, 3), or 190 vectors of 3 coefficients each. Each (3,) vector is one coefficient set from regressions with n=20.)

Is there a workaround to get to the coefficient matrices wrapped into one result array? I'm thinking possibly of the matrix formulation:

enter image description here

For a 1d y and 2d x this would just be:

def coefs(y, x):
    return, x)),, y))

but I'm having trouble getting this to accept a 2d y and 3d x as above.

Lastly, I'm curious as to why lstsq has trouble here. Is there a simple answer as to why the inputs must be at most 2d?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2738

Answers (2)

Brad Solomon
Brad Solomon

Reputation: 40878

Here is the linear algebra solution, with the speed right on par with @sascha's looped version for smaller arrays.

print('Matrix formulation')
start = pc()
result = np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(Zs.swapaxes(1,2), Zs)),
                    np.matmul(Zs.swapaxes(1,2), np.atleast_3d(Bs))))
end = pc()
print('used time: ', end-start)


Matrix formulation
used time:  0.00015713176480858237
[[ 89.2  43.8]
 [ 68.5  41.9]
 [ 61.9  20.5]
 [  5.1  44.1]]

However, @sascha's answer wins out easily for much larger inputs, especially as the size of the third dimension grows (number of exogenous variables/features).

Z, B, C = 400, 300, 20

Zs = []
Bs = []
for i in range(Z):
    X, y, = make_regression(n_samples=B, n_features=C, random_state=i)
Zs = np.array(Zs)
Bs = np.array(Bs)

# --------

print('Matrix formulation')
start = pc()

result = np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(Zs.swapaxes(1,2), Zs)),
                    np.matmul(Zs.swapaxes(1,2), np.atleast_3d(Bs))))

end = pc()
print('used time: ', end-start)

# --------

print('Looped calls')
start = pc()

result = np.empty((Z, C))
for z in range(Z):
    result[z] = np.linalg.lstsq(Zs[z], Bs[z])[0]

end = pc()
print('used time: ', end-start)


Matrix formulation
used time:  0.24000779996413257
[[  1.2e+01   1.3e-15   6.3e+01 ...,  -8.9e-15   5.3e-15  -1.1e-14]
 [  5.8e+01   2.7e-14  -4.8e-15 ...,   8.5e+01  -1.5e-14   1.8e-14]
 [  1.2e+01  -1.2e-14   4.4e-16 ...,   6.0e-15   8.6e+01   6.0e+01]
 [  2.9e-15   6.6e+01   1.1e-15 ...,   9.8e+01  -2.9e-14   8.4e+01]
 [  2.8e+01   6.1e+01  -1.2e-14 ...,  -2.5e-14   6.3e+01   5.9e+01]
 [  7.0e+01   3.3e-16   8.4e+00 ...,   4.1e+01  -6.2e-15   5.8e+01]]
Looped calls
used time:  0.17400113389658145
[[  1.2e+01   7.1e-15   6.3e+01 ...,  -2.8e-14   1.1e-14  -4.8e-14]
 [  5.8e+01  -5.7e-14  -4.9e-14 ...,   8.5e+01  -5.3e-15   6.8e-14]
 [  1.2e+01   3.6e-14   4.5e-14 ...,  -3.6e-15   8.6e+01   6.0e+01]
 [  6.3e-14   6.6e+01  -1.4e-13 ...,   9.8e+01   2.8e-14   8.4e+01]
 [  2.8e+01   6.1e+01  -2.1e-14 ...,  -1.4e-14   6.3e+01   5.9e+01]
 [  7.0e+01  -1.1e-13   8.4e+00 ...,   4.1e+01  -9.4e-14   5.8e+01]]

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 33512

Here is some demo to demonstrate:

  • the problems mentioned in my comments
  • a mostly empirical analysis of looped-lstsq vs. one-step-embedded-lstsq
  • (with some surprising result at the end which is to be taken with a grain of salt):


import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from time import perf_counter as pc
                    linewidth=160, nanstr='nan', precision=1,
                    suppress=False, threshold=1000, formatter=None)

""" Create task """
Z, B, C = 4, 3, 2

Zs = []
Bs = []
for i in range(Z):
    X, y, = make_regression(n_samples=B, n_features=C, random_state=i)
Zs = np.array(Zs)
Bs = np.array(Bs)

""" Independent looping """
start = pc()
result = np.empty((Z, C))
for z in range(Z):
    result[z] = np.linalg.lstsq(Zs[z], Bs[z])[0]
end = pc()
print('lhs-shape: ', Zs.shape)
print('lhs-dense-fill-ratio: ', np.count_nonzero(Zs) / np.product(Zs.shape))
print('used time: ', end-start)

""" Embedding in one """
Zs_ = sp.block_diag([Zs[i] for i in range(Z)]).todense()  # convenient to use scipy.sparse
                                                          # oops: there is a dense-one too: 
                                                          # -> scipy.linalg.block_diag
Bs_ = Bs.flatten()

start = pc()  # one could argue if transform above should be timed too!
result_ = np.linalg.lstsq(Zs_, Bs_)[0]
end = pc()
print('lhs-shape: ', Zs_.shape)
print('lhs-dense-fill-ratio: ', np.count_nonzero(Zs_) / np.product(Zs_.shape))
print('used time: ', end-start)


lhs-shape:  (4, 3, 2)
lhs-dense-fill-ratio:  1.0
used time:  0.0005415275241778155
[[ 89.2  43.8]
 [ 68.5  41.9]
 [ 61.9  20.5]
 [  5.1  44.1]]
lhs-shape:  (12, 8)
lhs-dense-fill-ratio:  0.25
used time:  0.00015907748341232328
[ 89.2  43.8  68.5  41.9  61.9  20.5   5.1  44.1]

lstsq problem-dimensions for each case

While the original data looks like:

[[[ 2.2  1. ]
  [-1.   1.9]
  [ 0.4  1.8]]

 [[-1.1 -0.5]
  [-2.3  0.9]
  [-0.6  1.6]]

 [[ 1.6 -2.1]
  [-0.1 -0.4]
  [-0.8 -1.8]]

 [[-0.3 -0.4]
  [ 0.1 -1.9]
  [ 1.8  0.4]]]
[[ 242.7   -5.4  112.9]
 [ -95.7 -121.4   26.2]
 [  57.9  -12.   -88.8]
 [ -17.1  -81.6   28.4]]

and each solve looks like:

[[ 2.2  1. ]
 [-1.   1.9]
 [ 0.4  1.8]]
[ 242.7   -5.4  112.9]

the embedded problem (one solving-step) looks like:

[[ 2.2  1.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [-1.   1.9  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.4  1.8  0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.  -1.1 -0.5  0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.  -2.3  0.9  0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.  -0.6  1.6  0.   0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   1.6 -2.1  0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.  -0.1 -0.4  0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.  -0.8 -1.8  0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.  -0.3 -0.4]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.1 -1.9]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.   1.8  0.4]]
[ 242.7   -5.4  112.9  -95.7 -121.4   26.2   57.9  -12.   -88.8  -17.1  -81.6   28.4]

There is no way, given the assumptions / standard-form of lstsq to embed this independence-assumption without introducing a lot of zeros!

lstsq is:

  • not able to exploit sparsity as the core-algorithm is a dense-one
    • take a look at the transformed shape: this will be heavy in terms of memory and computation!
  • not able to use information from fit 0 to speed up something in fit 1
    • they are independent after all; no information gain in theory
  • able to vectorize a lot (but that's not helping in general)

Your example-shapes

Trimmed output for your specific shapes, this time: test a sparse-solver too:

Added code (at the end)

print('EMBEDDING -> sparse-solver')
Zs_ = sp.csc_matrix(Zs_)  # sparse!
start = pc()
result__ = sp.linalg.lsmr(Zs_, Bs_)[0]
end = pc()
print('lhs-shape: ', Zs_.shape)
print('lhs-dense-fill-ratio: ', Zs_.nnz / np.product(Zs_.shape))
print('used time: ', end-start)


lhs-shape:  (190, 20, 3)
lhs-dense-fill-ratio:  1.0
used time:  0.01716980329027777

[ 11.9  31.8  29.6]
[ 44.8  28.2  62.3]]

lhs-shape:  (3800, 570)
lhs-dense-fill-ratio:  0.00526315789474
used time:  0.6774500271820254
[ 11.9  31.8  29.6 ... 44.8  28.2  62.3]

EMBEDDING -> sparse-solver
lhs-shape:  (3800, 570)
lhs-dense-fill-ratio:  0.00526315789474
used time:  0.0038423098412817547            # a bit of a surprise
[ 11.9  31.8  29.6 ...  44.8  28.2  62.3]


In general: solve independently!

In some cases, the task above will be solved faster when using the sparse-solver approach, but analysis here is hard as we are comparing two completely different algorithms (direct vs. iterative) and the results might change in some dramatical way for other data.

Upvotes: 3

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