
Reputation: 449

Accessing another app's CloudKit database?

Suppose John developed App A and Heather developed App B. They each have different Apple Developer's accounts and they are not on the same team or associated in any way. App B is backed by a public CloudKit database. Is there any way for App A to write to App B's public CloudKit database? Namely, can App A do this:

let DB = CKContainer(identifier: "").publicCloudDatabase

and then write to or read from this DB?

I'm guessing that this is not allowed out of the box, but is there a way to set up authentication so that this is possible?

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Views: 812

Answers (2)


Reputation: 8995

This looks/sounds like the solution you seek.

CloudKit share Data between different iCloud accounts but not with everyone as outlined by an iCloud specialist on SO.

There is third party explaination on this link too.

Key steps shamelessly cut'n'pasted ... make sure you read and credit Cory on!

// Add an Info.plist key for CloudKit Sharing

More code...

CKContainer.default().discoverUserIdentity(withPhoneNumber: phone, completionHandler: {identity, error in

        guard let userIdentity: CKUserIdentity = identity, error == nil else {

            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
                print("fetch user by phone error " + error!.localizedDescription)


        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
            print("user identity was discovered \(identity)")

/// Create a shred the root record

let recordZone: CKRecordZone = CKRecordZone(zoneName: "FriendZone")
let rootRecord: CKRecord = CKRecord(recordType: "Note", zoneID: recordZone.zoneID)

// Create a CloudKit share record

let share = CKShare(rootRecord: rootRecord)

share[CKShareTitleKey] = "Shopping List” as CKRecordValue
share[CKShareThumbnailImageDataKey] = shoppingListThumbnail as CKRecordValue
share[CKShareTypeKey] = "" as CKRecordValue

/// Setup the participants for the share (take the CKUserIdentityLookupInfo from the identity you fetched)

let fetchParticipantsOperation: CKFetchShareParticipantsOperation = CKFetchShareParticipantsOperation(userIdentityLookupInfos: [userIdentity])

fetchParticipantsOperation.fetchShareParticipantsCompletionBlock = {error in

if let error = error {
    print("error for completion" + error!.localizedDescription)

fetchParticipantsOperation.shareParticipantFetchedBlock = {participant in

print("participant \(participant)")
/// 1
participant.permission = .readWrite

/// 2

let modifyOperation: CKModifyRecordsOperation = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave: [rootRecord, share], recordIDsToDelete: nil)

modifyOperation.savePolicy = .ifServerRecordUnchanged
modifyOperation.perRecordCompletionBlock = {record, error in
    print("record completion \(record) and \(error)")
modifyOperation.modifyRecordsCompletionBlock = {records, recordIDs, error in

    guard let ckrecords: [CKRecord] = records, let record: CKRecord = ckrecords.first, error == nil else {
        print("error in modifying the records " + error!.localizedDescription)

    /// 3
    print("share url \(url)")



And on the other side of the fence.

let acceptShareOperation: CKAcceptSharesOperation =     CKAcceptSharesOperation(shareMetadatas: [shareMeta])
    acceptShareOperation.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
    acceptShareOperation.perShareCompletionBlock = {meta, share, error in
        Log.print("meta \(meta) share \(share) error \(error)")
    acceptShareOperation.acceptSharesCompletionBlock = {error in
        Log.print("error in accept share completion \(error)")
        /// Send your user to wear that need to go in your app


Really I cannot hope to do the article justice, go read it... its in three parts!

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 22701

If the apps were in the same organization, there is a way to set up shared access. But as you described the situation, it is not possible.

Upvotes: 0

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