Reputation: 1486
I'm new to CodeChef and thought of trying a few problems, so I solved the "Bytelandian gold coins" problem. ( I'm getting instant results on my computer, CodeChef sets a 9 second time limit, but i'm still getting TimeOuts from CodeChef. I don't have any clue anymore what causes this. Any hints would be helpfull.
My code:
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
main = do
catch (main' M.empty 1) (const $ return ())
main' _ 11 = return ()
main' m c = do
x <- readLn
let (k,m2) = sol m x
print k
main' m2 (c+1)
sol :: Map Integer Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Map Integer Integer)
sol m x |M.member x m = (fromJust $ M.lookup x m,m)
|x > x2+x3+x4 = (x,M.insert x x m)
|otherwise = (fullSoll, M.insert x fullSoll m4)
x2 = div x 2
x3 = div x 3
x4 = div x 4
(sx2, m2) = sol m x2
(sx3, m3) = sol m2 x3
(sx4, m4) = sol m3 x4
fullSoll = sx2+sx3+sx4
Upvotes: 4
Views: 507
Reputation: 1936
Your sol
doesn't terminate when the x == 0
. When x
is 1 it is fine because all of x2, x3, x4
are 0, and their sum is less than x
, meaning the second guard is true, and no recursion. However, when the input is 0, then the recursive case kicks in, and it never terminates.
Upvotes: 5