Reputation: 61
I'm attempting to import Typescript classes in the renderer process of Electron.
The issue I have is that I cannot use the "import" keyword in the Renderer process. This is because I can't use commonJS as the module importer on the client side, only the server side.
I am at a loss for how I can import these classes that I've exported.
I made a gist trying to explain
Tldr: import keyword fails with "Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined". Using const dataset = require("./dataset");
doesnt actually import my exported classes.
What am I missing?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 406
Reputation: 250782
When I'm writing a module that will be used both on the client and the server, I use the module flag to compile the module in UMD format:
tsc --module umd app.ts
You can then use standard imports:
import * as MyModule from './MyModule';
And they will work with both commonjs and AMD module loaders (for example, you could use require.js in your browser).
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