Reputation: 1194
For a few years, I often have a need to combine lines of (sorted) text with a matching first field, and I never found an elegant (i.e. one-liner unix command line) way to do it. What I want is similar to what's possible with the unix join
command, but join
expects 2 files, with each key appearing maximum once. I want to start with a single file, in which a key might appear multiple tiles.
I have both a ruby and perl script that do this, but there's no way to shorten my algorithm into a one-liner. After years of unix use, I'm still learning new tricks with comm
, paste
, uniq
, etc, and I suspect there's a smart way to do this.
There are some related questions, like join all lines that have the same first column to the same line; Command line to match lines with matching first field (sed, awk, etc.); and Combine lines with matching keys -- but those solutions never really give a clean and reliable solution.
Here's sample input:
apple:A fruit
apple:Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit
cherry:1 for me to eat
cherry:bright red
Here's sample output:
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
Here's my ideal syntax:
merge --inputDelimiter=":" --outputDelimiter=";" --matchfield=1 infile.txt
The "matchfield" is really optional. It could always be the first field. Subsequent appearances of the delimiter should be treated like plain text.
I don't mind a perl, ruby, awk one-liner, if you can think of a short and elegant algorithm. This should be able to handle millions of lines of input. Any ideas?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 3123
Reputation: 15438
As an exercise - or even for smallish datasets - the same in just native bash
interpreter commands:
declare -A fruit=()
while IFS=: read k v; do fruit[$k]="${fruit[$k]:+${fruit[$k]};}$v"; done <
for k in "${!fruit[@]}"; do echo "$k:${fruit[$k]}"; done
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
Any required sorting order might need to be explicitly enforced in more complex datasets.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 607
@RahulVerma's awk
solution is simple and awesome! However, I've been looking for a sed
solution. I wondered if sed
is capable to solve this sort of problem. Finally, I've found my own solution! The core idea is treat the hold space as a variable, put what we want to search in the hold space, and search it in the current input line. I want to give credit to @chaos, because the core idea is from his answer how-to-search-for-the-word-stored-in-the-hold-space-with-sed#239049.
Using sed one liner
sed -E '1{:OK; h; $b; d}; x; G; s/^([^:]+)(.*)\n\1:(.*)/\1\2;\3/; tOK; s/\n.*//' file
sed -E 'x; G; s/^([^:]+)(.*)\n\1:(.*)/\1\2;\3/; tOK; 1d; s/\n.*//; b; :OK; h; $!d' file
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
Explanation: (the 2nd sed
exchange the hold space and the pattern space
in the last cycle (see below), or the last input line if s///
fails to replace anything. It is empty for the very beginning, i.e., when the current input line is the line 1.G
append the hold space (the current input line) to the pattern space (the content generated in the last cycle). Thus, the pattern space would be two lines (The hold space is not changed). For example,
# the empty hold space
apple:A fruit # the current input line
apple:A fruit # the last input line, because `s///` fails to replace anything in the last cycle
apple:Type of: pie # the current input line
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie # the resulting content generated by `s///` in the last cycle
banana:tropical fruit # the current input line
use the first field ^([^:]+)
is the field separator) in the first line of the pattern space to search the second line. The part of \n\1:
indicates how it works. If it is found in the second line, concatenate the first line \1\2'
, a ;
, and the 2+ fields of the second line \3
. Thus, the result is \1\2;\3
if the s///
is successful (s
has replaced something) jump to the label OK
, otherwise continue
specify the location of the label OK
put the pattern space which is \1\2;\3
, generated by s///
, to the hold space. (The first line of the pattern space in the next cycle is made up of this very content)$!d
delete it, don't print it, if hasn't reached the last lines///
hasn't changed anything, the pattern space still has two lines)
delete the pattern space, don't print it, if the current input line is the line 1. At this moment, there is nothing ready to output. Without this, an empty line would be printed.s/\n.*//
delete the second line of the pattern space, which is the current input line.b
jump without a label, means end the sed
script, and the remaining content in the pattern space would be printed out before starting the next cycle.
In the second sed
command line, the 1d;
is not very necessary, however, the output has a subtle difference without it -- an innocuous empty line would be printed on the top, like below,
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
Thoughts at the end
The time I spent to figuring out the sed
solution and the final look of the sed
solution, both indicates that awk
is better and easier for problems as complicated as this. sed
is not good at searching/replacing a file according to the file itself. Like, searching/replacing constant text, it is easy, but what to search/replace is from the file itself, which means it might vary from line to line. For this kind, sed
is not as good as awk
-- the superior that has the full programming facilities, like variable, function, if-else, for/while/do. (See further in what is the difference between sed and awk)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3089
Using awk one liner
awk -F: -v ORS="" 'a!=$1{a=$1; $0=RS $0} a==$1{ sub($1":",";") } 1' file
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
setting ORS=""
; By default it is \n
The reason why we have set ORS=""
(Output Record Separator) is because we don't want awk to include newlines in the output at the end of each record. We want to handle it in our own way, through our own logic. We are actually including newlines at the start of every record which has the first field different from the previous one.
: When variable a
(initially null) doesn't match with first field $1
which is for eg. apple
in first line, then set a=$1
and $0=RS $0
i.e $0
or simply whole record
becomes "\n"$0
(basically adding newline at the beginning of record). a!=$1
will always satisfy when there is a different first field ($1
) than the previous line's $1
and is thus a criteria to segregate our records based on first field.
: If it matches then it probably means you are iterating over a record belonging to the previous record set. In this case substitute first occurrence of $1:
(Note the :
) for eg. apple:
with ;
. $1":"
could also be written as $1FS
where FS is :
If you have millions of line in your file then this approach would be fastest because it doesn't involve any pre-processing and also we are not using any other data structure say array for storing your keys or records.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 2491
I think this one do the job
awk -F':' '$1!=a{if(b);print b;b=""}a=$1{$1="";if(!b)b=a;b=b$0}END{print b}' infile
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 92904
Discover awk language:
awk -F':' '{ v=substr($0, index($0,":")+1); a[$1]=($1 in a? a[$1]";" : "")v }
END{ for(i in a) print i,a[i] }' OFS=':' infile.txt
The output:
apple:A fruit;Type of: pie
banana:tropical fruit
cherry:small burgundy fruit;1 for me to eat;bright red
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 81
for F in `cut -f1 -d ':' infile.txt | sort | uniq`; do echo "$F:$(grep $F infile.txt | cut -f2- -d ':' | paste -s -d ';' - )"; done
Not sure it qualifies as 'elegant', but it works, though I'm sure not quickly for millions of lines - as the number of grep
calls increases it would slow significantly. What % of the matching fields do you expect to be unique?
Upvotes: 2