Reputation: 4732
I am developing a R package. It is based on a project that only used Makefile. Most of it easily translated to the R CMD build
workflow. However the pdfs I need to create are a bit complex and I don't get them right unless I tinker - so far I figured how to do it with a Makefile.
In the R package documentations I find references to use Makefiles for sources and even for vignettes.
I don't grasp how these should be applied. From these documentations I had the impression Makefiles would be called in the process of R CMD build
but when I put Makefile in the described directories they are just ignored. However R CMD check
recognises them and outputs passing tests.
I also have seen some Makefiles that call R CMD build
inside - but I keep wondering how these would execute when I use install.packages
. That doesn't seem right - I mean why would R CMD check
these if it wouldn't care about. And there's also this page in R packages about adding SystemRequiremens: GNU make
- why do this for a file you don't use?
So what is the best practice nowadays? And are there examples in the wild that I can look at?
As I was asked for an example
I want to build a vignette as similar as described in "Writing package vignettes". There is a master Latex file which includes several Rnw files. The concrete dilemmas are:
So far I do it with a Makefile, the general pattern is like this:
tmp/test.pdf: tmp/test.tex tmp/rnw1.tex tmp/rnw2.tex
latexmk -outdir=$(@D) $<
tmp/%.tex: r/%.rnw
Rscript -e "knitr::knit('$<', output='$@')"
tmp/rnw1.tex tmp/rnw2.tex: tmp/slowdata.Rdata
tmp/slowdata.Rdata: r/ireallytakeforever.R
Rscript $<
Upvotes: 13
Views: 7355
Reputation: 8676
Ok, answer version 2.0 - chuckle.
You mentioned that "The question is how Makefiles and the package build workflow are supposed to go together". In that context, my recommendation is you review a set of example R package makefiles:
The knitr
package makefile
(in my view) provides a good example of how to build vignettes. You need to review the makefile
and directory structure, that would be the template I would recommend you review and use.
I'd also recommend you look at maker, a Makefile for R package development. On top of this, I would start with Karl Broman guides - (this is what I used myself as a source reference a while back now eclipsed by Hadley's book on packages but still useful (in my view).
The other recommendation is to read Rob Hynman's article I referenced previously
between them, you should be able to do what you request. Above and beyond that you have the base R package manual you referenced.
I hope the above helps.
I would argue that the most important tool for reproducible research is not Sweave or knitr but GNU make.
Consider, for example, all of the files associated with a manuscript. In the simplest case, I would have an R script for each figure plus a LaTeX file for the main text. And then a BibTeX file for the references.
Compiling the final PDF is a bit of work:
And the R scripts need to be run before latex is, and only if they’ve changed.
GNU make makes this easy. In your directory for the manuscript, you create a text file called Makefile that looks something like the following (here using pdflatex).
mypaper.pdf: mypaper.bib mypaper.tex Figs/fig1.pdf Figs/fig2.pdf
pdflatex mypaper
bibtex mypaper
pdflatex mypaper
pdflatex mypaper
Figs/fig1.pdf: R/fig1.R
cd R;R CMD BATCH fig1.R
Figs/fig2.pdf: R/fig2.R
cd R;R CMD BATCH fig2.R
Each batch of lines indicates a file to be created (the target), the files it depends on (the prerequisites), and then a set of commands needed to construct the target from the dependent files. Note that the lines with the commands must start with a tab character (not spaces).
Another great feature: in the example above, you’d only build fig1.pdf when fig1.R changed. And note that the dependencies propagate. If you change fig1.R, then fig1.pdf will change, and so mypaper.pdf will be re-built.
One oddity: if you need to change directories to run a command, do the cd on the same line as the related command. The following would not work:
### this doesn't work ###
Figs/fig1.pdf: R/fig1.R
cd R
You can, however, use \ for a continuation line, line so:
### this works ###
Figs/fig1.pdf: R/fig1.R
cd R;\
Note that you still need to use the semicolon (;).
You probably already have GNU make installed on your computer. Type make --version in a terminal/shell to see. (On Windows, go here to download make.)
To use make:
You can go a long way with just simple make files as above, specifying the target files, their dependencies, and the commands to create them. But there are a lot of frills you can add, to save some typing.
Here are some of the options that I use. (See the make documentation for further details.)
If you’ll be repeating the same piece of code multiple times, you might want to define a variable.
For example, you might want to run R with the flag --vanilla. You could then define a variable R_OPTS:
R_OPTS=--vanilla You refer to this variable as $(R_OPTS) (or ${R_OPTS}; either parentheses or curly braces is allowed), so in the R commands you would use something like
cd R;R CMD BATCH $(R_OPTS) fig1.R An advantage of this is that you just need to type out the options you want once; if you change your mind about the R options you want to use, you just have to change them in the one place.
For example, I actually like to use the following:
R_OPTS=--no-save --no-restore --no-init-file --no-site-file This is like --vanilla but without --no-environ (which I need because I use the .Renviron file to define R_LIBS, to say that I have R packages defined in an alternative directory).
There are a bunch of automatic variables that you can use to save yourself a lot of typing. Here are the ones that I use most:
$@ the file name of the target
$< the name of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency)
$^ the names of all prerequisites (i.e., dependencies)
$(@D) the directory part of the target
$(@F) the file part of the target
$(<D) the directory part of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency)
$(<F) the file part of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency)
For example, in our simple example, we could simplify the lines
Figs/fig1.pdf: R/fig1.R
cd R;R CMD BATCH fig1.R
We could instead write
Figs/fig1.pdf: R/fig1.R
cd $(<D);R CMD BATCH $(<F)
The automatic variable $(<D)
will take the value of the directory of the first prerequisite, R in this case. $(<F)
will take value of the file part of the first prerequisite, fig1.R
in this case.
Okay, that’s not really a simplification. There doesn’t seem to be much advantage to this, unless perhaps the directory were an obnoxiously long string and we wanted to avoid having to type it twice. The main advantage comes in the next section.
If a number of files are to be built in the same way, you may want to use a pattern rule. The key idea is that you can use the symbol % as a wildcard, to be expanded to any string of text.
For example, our two figures are being built in basically the same way. We could simplify the example by including one set of lines covering both fig1.pdf and fig2.pdf:
Figs/%.pdf: R/%.R
cd $(<D);R CMD BATCH $(<F)
This saves typing and makes the file easier to maintain and extend. If you want to add a third figure, you just add it as another dependency (i.e., prerequisite) for mypaper.pdf.
Our example, with the frills
Adding all of this together, here’s what our example Makefile will look like.
mypaper.pdf: mypaper.bib mypaper.tex Figs/fig1.pdf Figs/fig2.pdf
pdflatex mypaper
bibtex mypaper
pdflatex mypaper
pdflatex mypaper
Figs/%.pdf: R/%.R
cd $(<D);R CMD BATCH $(R_OPTS) $(<F)
The advantage of the added frills: less typing, and it’s easier to extend to include additional figures. The disadvantage: it’s harder for others who are less familiar with GNU Make to understand what it’s doing.
More complicated examples
There are complicated Makefiles all over the place. Poke around github and study them.
Here are some of my own examples:
And here are some examples from Mike Bostock:
Also look at the Makefile for Yihui Xie’s knitr package for R.
Also of interest is maker, a Makefile for R package development.
R packages are the best way to distribute R code and documentation, and, despite the impression that the official manual (Writing R Extensions) might give, they really are quite simple to create.
You should make an R package even for code that you don't plan to distribute. You'll find it is easier to keep track of your own personal R functions if they are in a package. And it's good to write documentation, even if it's just for your future self.
Hadley Wickham wrote a book about R packages (free online; also available in paper form from Amazon). You might just jump straight there.
Hilary Parker wrote a short and clear tutorial on writing R packages. If you want a crash course, you should start there. A lot of people have successfully built R packages from her instructions.
But there is value in having a diversity of resources, so I thought I'd go ahead and write my own minimal tutorial. The following list of topics looks forbidding, but each is short and straightforward (and hopefully clear). If you're put off by the list of topics, and you've not already abandoned me in favor of Hadley's book, then why aren't you reading Hilary's tutorial?
If anyone's still with me, the following pages cover the essentials of making an R package.
The following are important but not essential.
The following contains links to other resources:
If anything here is confusing (or wrong!), or if I've missed important details, please submit an issue, or (even better) fork the GitHub repository for this website, make modifications, and submit a pull request.
The source for this tutorial is on github.
Also see my tutorials on git/github, GNU make, knitr, making a web site with GitHub Pages, data organization, and reproducible research.
Upvotes: 20