
Reputation: 3121

Grails one-to-many mapping with joinTable

I have two domain-classes. One is a "Partner" the other is a "Customer". A customer can be a part of a Partner and a Partner can have 1 or more Customers:

class Customer {
    Integer id
    String name
    static hasOne = [partner:Partner]
    static mapping = {
        partner joinTable:[name:'PartnerMap',column:'partner_id',key:'customer_id']

class Partner {
    Integer id
    static hasMany = [customers:Customer]
    static mapping = {
        customers joinTable:[name:'PartnerMap',column:'customer_id',key:'partner_id']

However, whenever I try to see if a customer is a part of a partner, like this:

def customers = Customer.list()
customers.each {
     if (it.partner) {
          println "Partner!"

I get the following error:

org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not execute query; SQL [select this_.customer_id as customer1_162_0_, as company162_0_, this_.display_name as display3_162_0_, this_.parent_customer_id as parent4_162_0_, this_.partner_id as partner5_162_0_, this_.server_id as server6_162_0_, this_.status as status162_0_, this_.vertical_market as vertical8_162_0_ from Customer this_]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query

It looks as if Grails is thinking partner_id is a part of the Customer query, and it's not... It is in the PartnerMap table, which is supposed to find the customer_id, then get the Partner from the corresponding partner_id.

Anyone have any clue what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: I forgot to mention I'm doing this with legacy database tables. So I have a Partner, Customer and PartnerMap table. PartnerMap has simply a customer_id and partner_id field.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 7376

Answers (1)

Burt Beckwith
Burt Beckwith

Reputation: 75681

Given the way 1-many works when you want a join table, I think it's not possible with standard GORM to make it bidirectional and access a Customer's Partner. But you can map the join table with a domain class and access things that way:


class Customer {
   String name
   def getPartner() {


class Partner {
   String name
   def getCustomers() {


import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder

class PartnerMap implements Serializable {

   Partner partner
   Customer customer

   boolean equals(other) {
      if (!(other instanceof PartnerMap)) {
         return false

      other.partner?.id == partner?.id &&
         other.customer?.id == customer?.id

   int hashCode() {
      def builder = new HashCodeBuilder()
      if (partner) builder.append(
      if (customer) builder.append(

   static PartnerMap get(long partnerId, long customerId) {
      find 'from PartnerMap where and',
         [partnerId: partnerId, customerId: customerId]

   static PartnerMap create(Partner partner, Customer customer, boolean flush = false) {
      new PartnerMap(partner: partner, customer: customer).save(flush: flush, insert: true)

   static boolean remove(Partner partner, Customer customer, boolean flush = false) {
      PartnerMap instance = PartnerMap.findByPartnerAndCustomer(partner, customer)
      instance ? instance.delete(flush: flush) : false

   static void removeAll(Partner partner) {
      executeUpdate 'DELETE FROM PartnerMap WHERE partner=:partner', [partner: partner]

   static void removeAll(Customer customer) {
      executeUpdate 'DELETE FROM PartnerMap WHERE customer=:customer', [customer: customer]

   static mapping = {
      id composite: ['customer', 'partner']
      version false
      table 'PartnerMap'

Since you're not using hasMany, you lose the addToXXX dynamic method, but you can call PartnerMap.create() to relate two instances. You also lose the collection and back-ref in the domain classes, but I added utility methods for those.

Upvotes: 6

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