
Reputation: 81

How to use FB.api('/me/picture') to get profile image

This is a very silly question. I'm a beginner with facebook Javascript SDK. So I'm trying to make a the user's profile image to show I used this code

FB.api('/me', function(response) {      
    document.getElementById('login').style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById('login').innerHTML = '<img src="' + + '/picture" />';

which worked fine, but I'm trying to understand how to use FB.api('/me/picture') to show the image.

Upvotes: 7

Views: 44328

Answers (5)

Akasa Web Developer
Akasa Web Developer

Reputation: 11

I get the Facebook profile picture All sizes

Profile Picture Sizes

value = 24 32 40 50 60 74 80 86 100 111 120 130 148 160 200 240 320 480 720 960 1440


Upvotes: 1

Patel Sunil
Patel Sunil

Reputation: 461

This is sure shot, Proved to be working with facebook graph api 2.5. This is the sample HTML Please see the changes I have made in FB.api() function.

 <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Facebook Login JavaScript Example</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

      Below we include the Login Button social plugin. This button uses
      the JavaScript SDK to present a graphical Login button that triggers
      the FB.login() function when clicked.
    <img src="" id="profileImage"/>

    <div id="status">


        // This is called with the results from from FB.getLoginStatus().
        function statusChangeCallback(response) {
            // The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
            // app know the current login status of the person.
            // Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
            // for FB.getLoginStatus().
            if (response.status === 'connected') {
                // Logged into your app and Facebook.
            } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
                // The person is logged into Facebook, but not your app.
                document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'Please log ' +
                        'into this app.';
            } else {
                // The person is not logged into Facebook, so we're not sure if
                // they are logged into this app or not.
                document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'Please log ' +
                        'into Facebook.';

        // This function is called when someone finishes with the Login
        // Button.  See the onlogin handler attached to it in the sample
        // code below.
        function checkLoginState() {
            FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {

        window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
                appId      : 'XXXXXXXXXXXX',
                cookie     : true,  // enable cookies to allow the server to access
                                    // the session
                xfbml      : true,  // parse social plugins on this page
                version    : 'v2.5' // use graph api version 2.5

            // Now that we've initialized the JavaScript SDK, we call
            //FB.getLoginStatus().  This function gets the state of the
            // person visiting this page and can return one of three states to
            // the callback you provide.  They can be:
            // 1. Logged into your app ('connected')
            // 2. Logged into Facebook, but not your app ('not_authorized')
            // 3. Not logged into Facebook and can't tell if they are logged into
            //    your app or not.
            // These three cases are handled in the callback function.

            FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {


        // Load the SDK asynchronously
        (function(d, s, id) {
            var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
            if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
            js = d.createElement(s); = id;
            js.src = "//";
            fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
        }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

        // Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
        // successful.  See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
        function testAPI() {
            console.log('Welcome!  Fetching your information.... ');
            FB.api('/me', function(response) {
                console.log('Successful login for: ' +;
                console.log('Successful login for: ' +;
                console.log('Successful login for: ' +;
                var im = document.getElementById("profileImage").setAttribute("src", "" + + "/picture?type=normal");


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 43816

/me/picture (or /{user id}/picture) returns an HTTP 301 redirect to the image location so you can embed it directly into an <img src...

If you want to retrieve the URL and use it yourself you need to specifically request it as a field, via :

 /{user id}?fields=picture



You can include other fields too, but I'm assuming you just want the photo right now.

Upvotes: 15


Reputation: 14435

You can get specific sizes of the profile pic as well:

FB.api("/me/picture?width=180&height=180",  function(response) {



See the Facebook documentation to see what different picture sizes you can get.

And a complete demo with login at: Get Facebook Profile Picture with Javascript SDK

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 38135

FB.api('/me/picture') will return a redirect to the image URL, so it'll be of no use for you:
alt text
The way you are using is valid as mentioned in the documentation (Reading section). Maybe this is related but I don't know if it's totally valid or not.

Upvotes: 0

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