Reputation: 685
Good Day SO, I am a beginner in Django and python, just started learning two days ago. This qn is related to this question:
Python/Django: How to show both main model and 'foreign-key model' together in HTML
I have two models in a one(crisis)-to-many(plans) relationship, with the models shown here:
class Plan(models.Model):
plan_ID = models.CharField(
validators=[RegexValidator(regex='^\w{8}$', message='Length has to be 8', code='nomatch')]
plan_crisisID = models.ForeignKey(Crisis, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
plan_status = models.CharField(max_length=50)
class Crisis(models.Model):
crisis_ID = models.CharField(
validators=[RegexValidator(regex='^\w{4}$', message='Length has to be 4', code='nomatch')]
crisis_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
Currently, the displayed data looks something like this:
I am new to django/python in general, and I do not know how to filter the data such that i only display each crisis once, and report ID with the highest value. My desired end result looks like this:
Here is my section:
def home(request):
template = loader.get_template('pmoapp/home.html')
planList = Plan.objects.filter(plan_crisisID__crisis_status='Ongoing')
context = {
#'crisisList': crisisList,
'planList': planList
return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
How do I code the loop function to get the max value of the planID for each crisisID? Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you very much SO..
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1581
Also you can try to use annotate
from django.db.models import Max
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 685
After some trying, I did something like this:
for crisis in crisisList:
plansInCrisis = planList.filter(plan_crisisID__crisis_ID=crisis.crisis_ID)
max = plansInCrisis[0]
for plan in plansInCrisis:
if(plan.plan_ID > max.plan_ID ): max = plan
As i'm new to python programming, I assume this is bad practice if I loop twice without using any inbuilt methods, but it works for now. Sorry for the poor question, cheers
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