QListWidget doesn't recognize signals from QTest::mouseDClick

I am trying to use QTest to test UI interactions with a QListWidget. Interactions made from a simple click work fine (QTest::mouseClick()) but interactions from a double click do not (QTest::mouseDClick()).

Here is simplified code sample to reproduce the issue :


class UILIBSHARED_EXPORT Dialog : public QDialog

    explicit Dialog(QWidget *parent = 0);

    int doubleClickCount = 0;
    QString lastItemClicked = "";

    QListWidget* GetListW();

  private slots:
    void on_listWidget_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index);

    Ui::Dialog *ui;


  return ui->listWidget;

void Dialog::on_listWidget_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
  lastItemClicked = ui->listWidget->item(index.row())->text();

And the test class :

class DoubleClickTest : public QObject


  private Q_SLOTS:
    void testDoubleClick();

void DoubleClickTest::testDoubleClick()
  Dialog dialog;

  QListWidgetItem* item = dialog.GetListW()->item(1);
  QRect rect = dialog.GetListW()->visualItemRect(item);

  QTest::mouseDClick(dialog.GetListW()->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::KeyboardModifiers(), rect.center());

  QCOMPARE(dialog.doubleClickCount, 1);

I checked the dialog manually and the slot is called as expected.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 420

Answers (1)

Le stagiaire
Le stagiaire

Reputation: 46

I know this is an old topic but I have encountered the same behaviour with a QTreeView and have passed some hours to find a workaround, so I think it can be useful for someone else.

Using QTest, the signal doubleClicked is never emitted due to a part of code in sources of Qt I do not understand (qtreeview.cpp, line 1934 with Qt 5.12.1, or for others, in qabstractitemview.cpp line 1952). I don't know if it is a bug or not.

To avoid this strange code, I just added a call to QTest::mouseClick before the call to QTest::mouseDClick with the same parameters. It worked for me because my QTreeView do nothing particular on a simple click, but it can distort tests in another case.

If anyone has a better solution I take it !

Upvotes: 3

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