Reputation: 633
I know this is probably something near to a stupid question, but I'm banging my head and I simply can't solve th problem by myself or with the help of good old google.
I have an express 4 app in which in one route a function from a script is executed to list all available json files from a data directory.
My directory structure is this:
/ - app root directory with app.js
/routes - routes_tags.js is stored here
/modules - tags_list.js is stored here
/data/rfidTagData - directory that holds json files
app.js requires routes_tags.js:
var tagRoutes = require("./routes/routes_tags.js")(app);
routes_tags.js requires tags_list.js:
var taglist = require('../modules/tags_list.js');
So app.js requires routes_tags.js which in turn requires tags_list.js in the route app.get(/tags).
app.get("/tags", function(req, res) {
Below you'll see my code of tags_list.js
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
//var taglist = function(tagDirectory, serverAddr, debug){
var taglist = function(app){
// get global app variables
var DEBUG = app.get('DEBUG');
var svrAddr = app.get('svrAddr');
var rfidTagDir = path.join('/', app.get('rfidTagDir'));
var responseContent = '';
if (DEBUG) {
console.log('list of tags requested - provided data: ');
console.log('directory: ' + rfidTagDir);
try {
fs.readdir(rfidTagDir, function(err, items) {
if (!items.length) {
// directory appears to be empty
console.error("nothing to read in directory "+rfidTagDir);
responseContent = '{\'response\': \'warning\', \'message\': \'nothing to read from directory '+rfidTagDir+'\'}';
} else {
if (app.DEBUG) console.log(items);
responseContent = "{\'response\': \'info\', \'description\': \'list of all stored rfid tags\', \'tags\': ["
for (i in items) {
var tag = items[i].toString().substring(0,items[i].indexOf('.'));
responseContent += "{\'tag\': \'" + tag + "\', \'endpoint\': \'"+svrAddr+"/tags/tag/" + tag + "\', \'file\': \'"+items[i]+"\'}"
// we only need to add the , after an array element in the json
// structure, if there are sukzessive elements.
if (i<items.length-1) responseContent += ",";
responseContent += "]}"
} catch (err) {
console.error("could not read directory "+rfidTagDir+" to list available tags \nException output: " + err.toString());
responseContent = '{\'response\': \'error\', \'message\': \'could not read directory '+rfidTagDir+'\', \'exception\': \' '+err.toString()+'\'}' ;
if (DEBUG) {console.log(responseContent)}
return responseContent;
module.exports = taglist;
Now, the output is, that there is NO output albeit the fact, that I have 5 json-files in the directory rfidTagDir.
rfidTagDir by the way is set globally in app.js as:
app.set('rfidTagDir', 'data/rfidTagData');
Could someone point me to my, from a professional standpoint, probably stupid error I did here? I simply can't see why it should not work.
Best regards,
Ps.: You probably already know this, by I'm rather new to node.js so please excuse my rather inelegant coding style.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1257
Reputation: 633
I'm sorry, the moment I posted the question I thought I'd just try out one last thing - and that did the trick.
I changed the definition of the rfidTagDir in app.js from
app.set('rfidTagDir', 'data/rfidTagData');
app.set('rfidTagDir', './data/rfidTagData');
Now the only thing that remains, is that the json response content is not correctly created. But I guess I'll want to work on that anyways, cause it's just rather bad coding with this hand crafted json structure.
Nevertheless, I'll make sure next time, I try solving my issues even more thoroughly before posting.
Upvotes: 2