Reputation: 1105
I want to find out the first n that satisfies . It's a simple and easy stuff if I use another language, like c/c++, but I don't know how to implement it in Haskell.
#include <iostream>
long double term(int k) { return 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k); }
int main() {
long double total = 0.0;
for (int k=1;;k++) {
total += term(k);
if (total>=2.99/4.0) {
std::cout << k << std::endl;
return 0;
I used dropWhile with an ordered list and take 1 to pick up the first one.
term k = 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k)
termSum n = sum $ take n $ map term [1..]
main = do
let [(n,val)] = take 1 $ dropWhile (\(a,b)->b <= 2.99/4.0) $ map (\n->(n,termSum n)) [1..]
print n
I know it's horrible. What is the best and intuitive way to write this?
Re: Thank you for the great answers! The one using fix function seems to be the fastest in my machine (Redhat 6.4 64bit / 80GB memory)
method#0 take 1 and dropWhile (my initial implementation)
threshold=0.74999 n=99999 time=52.167 sec
method#1 using fix function
threshold=0.74999 n=99999 time=0.005 sec
threshold=0.74999999 n=101554197 time=1.077 sec
threshold=0.7499999936263 n=134217004 time=1.407 sec
method#2 working backwards
threshold=0.74999 n=99999 time=0.026 sec
threshold=0.74999999 n=101554197 time=21.523 sec
threshold=0.7499999936263 n=134217004 time=25.247 sec
method#3 imperative way
threshold=0.74999 n=99999 time=0.008 sec
threshold=0.74999999 n=101554197 time=2.460 sec
threshold=0.7499999936263 n=134217004 time=3.254 sec
ReRe: I noticed that whatever implementation I used (fix, imperative way, or recursive way), if the threshold is larger than 0.7499999936264... it never ends.. in order for f(n) to be larger than 0.7499999936264, I thought we just needed to compute the terms up to 150,000,000 since ![f(n)=\frac_{3n^2+5n}^{4n^2+12n+8}]. I used Integer instead of Int, but it did not help either. Is there any reason why it does not finish if I set the threshold larger than 0.7499999936264 ...?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 354
Reputation: 1022
I agree that explicit recursion is the simplest way to write this but using fix is confusing to all but very sophisticated programmers. Thus:
f :: Int
f =
f' 1 0
f' k tot
| tot >= (2.99 / 4.0) = k - 1
| otherwise = f' (k + 1) (tot + term)
term = 1.0 / fromIntegral (k * k + 2 * k)
Using the higher order function until may be seen as closer to the C++ code. Thus
fh :: Int
fh =
fk - 1
(fk, ft) = until ((>= (2.99 / 4.0)) . snd) fh' (1, 0)
fh' (k, tot) = (k + 1, tot + term)
term = 1.0 / fromIntegral (k * k + 2 * k)
Also the break in the C++ code is superfluous as that code can be written as
long double term(int k) { return 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k); }
int main() {
long double total = 0.0;
int k;
for (k=1;total<2.99/4.0;k++) {
total += term(k);
std::cout << k - 1 << std::endl;
return 0;
Finally wrt why computing the terms up to 150,000,000 doesn't give you a result greater than 0.7499999936264 this in inherent to floating point arithmetic. Adding a very small term to a relatively large total doesn't change the total:
λ> term k = 1.0 / fromIntegral (k * k + 2 * k)
λ> term 150000000
λ> (2.99 / 4.0) + it == (2.99 / 4.0)
To avoid this you have to add the terms in reverse order, from the smallest to the largest.
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Reputation: 116174
It's a simple and easy stuff if I use another language, like c/c++
Well, let's do it in the same way, then.
import Prelude hiding (break)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad (when)
-- long double term(int k) { return 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k); }
term :: Int -> Double
term k = 1.0/(k'*k'+2.0*k')
where k' = fromIntegral k
-- int main() {
main :: IO ()
main = flip runContT return $ do
-- long double total = 0.0;
total <- lift $ newIORef (0.0 :: Double)
-- for (int k=1;;k++) {
callCC $ \break ->
for_ [1..] $ \k -> do
-- total += term(k);
lift $ modifyIORef total (+ term k)
-- if (total>=2.99/4.0) {
totalV <- lift $ readIORef total
when (totalV >= 2.99/4.0) $ do
-- std::cout << k << std::endl;
lift $ print k
-- break;
break ()
Yes, the above is more of a joke than a serious answer. Still, it's nice to see that, at least in theory, it is possible to write imperative code in Haskell.
It just leads to non-idiomatic Haskell, which is not that much harder to read or write than the original code. After all, what's a callCC
or two between friends? :-P
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 89093
I like to work backwards in these sort of situations:
main = print k where
k = 1 + length (takeWhile (< (2.99/4)) partialSums)
partialSums = scanl1 (+) terms
terms = [ 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k) | k <- [1..] ]
How this works:
is an infinite list, but since Haskell is lazy, we'll only calculate as much of each term as we demand:
λ terms = [ 1.0/(k*k+2.0*k) | k <- [1..] ] :: [Double]
λ take 5 terms
λ :p terms
terms = 0.3333333333333333 : 0.125 : 6.666666666666667e-2 :
4.1666666666666664e-2 : 2.857142857142857e-2 : (_t5::[Double])
is another infinite list, based on the contents of terms
(using scanl1
). It lets us amortize the work that you do computing termSum
λ partialSums = scanl1 (+) terms
λ take 5 partialSums
The takeWhile (< (2.99/4))
then determines how many terms of partialSums
we need to generate and thereby how many terms of
we need to generate:
λ length (takeWhile (< (2.99/4)) partialSums)
If we check, we can see that the sum of the first 398 terms
are less than 2.99 / 4
, but the 399th bumps it over:
λ sum (take 398 terms) < 2.99/4
λ sum (take 399 terms) < 2.99/4
Or, equivalently that the 397th partial sum (0-based index) is less than the target and that the 398th is not:
λ partialSums !! 397 < 2.99/4
λ partialSums !! 398 < 2.99/4
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 4540
Essentially explicit recursion, but I like fix
for loops like this:
import Data.Function (fix)
term k = 1.0 / (k*k+2.0*k)
main = print $ fix (\f total k ->
let new = total + term k
in if new >= 2.99/4.0 then k else f new (k+1)
) 0 1
Upvotes: 5