Reputation: 63
I am trying to adjust seasonality on time series (8 years) independent variables (197 variables) by regressing these variables on monthly dummies. I have coded my dummies as follows:
dummy1 <- model.matrix( ~ intraMonth, data = AnovaDataAll)
Thereafter, I regress the Dependent Variable on each of the variable with the dummy variable:
MultReg <- lapply(CorData[c(-1, -c(195:293))], function(x) summary(lm(formula = ReturnIndex ~ x + dummy1, data = CorData)))
The Regression Analysis gives me following results for (e.g. first variable = equity):
lm(formula = ReturnIndex ~ x + dummy1, data = CorData)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-49.273 -5.263 0.640 5.560 45.373
Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.7610 1.9749 -0.385 0.7002
x -0.3586 0.6165 -0.582 0.5611
dummy1(Intercept) NA NA NA NA
dummy1intraMonth2 4.8220 2.8404 1.698 0.0903 .
dummy1intraMonth3 2.5903 2.7683 0.936 0.3500
dummy1intraMonth4 1.7586 2.8082 0.626 0.5315
dummy1intraMonth5 1.6997 2.7823 0.611 0.5416
dummy1intraMonth6 3.1196 2.8143 1.108 0.2683
dummy1intraMonth7 2.5446 2.7546 0.924 0.3562
dummy1intraMonth8 -1.7986 2.7646 -0.651 0.5157
dummy1intraMonth9 2.5249 2.7768 0.909 0.3637
dummy1intraMonth10 1.9284 2.7982 0.689 0.4911
dummy1intraMonth11 3.9216 2.7773 1.412 0.1587
dummy1intraMonth12 0.9890 2.9464 0.336 0.7373
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 11.55 on 406 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.02259, Adjusted R-squared: -0.006298
F-statistic: 0.782 on 12 and 406 DF, p-value: 0.6692
I am wondering, if I have successfully conducted a seasonal adjustment on my Regression model. Moreover, I would like to rank all variables on statistical significance by looking at their t statistics. Based on the upper Output, do I simply have to look at the "x" row and take the t value of -0.582? How do I interpret the intercept of the first dummy (in this case January Dummy)? Does it matter, if I set the intercept on the December dummy rather on January?
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Views: 897
Reputation: 6222
Based on the upper Output, do I simply have to look at the "x" row and take the t value of -0.582?
How do I interpret the intercept of the first dummy (in this case January Dummy)? Does it matter, if I set the intercept on the December dummy rather on January?
You only get 11 dummy variables(e.g. two categorise - one variable, so on). You can have any of the month as the intercept.
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