Reputation: 589
I use preferredLayoutAttributesFitting to dynamic my cell frame. but which confused me is , the method preferredLayoutAttributesFitting
is not invoked at first. I have to reload my uicollectionView to invoke it.
my code:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let para = RecommendGoodsReqModel()
para.user_id = XLD_USER_ID()
Swift_API.REQUEST_MallRecommendData(parameter: para) { (resModel) in
for dataModel in resModel.datas!{
self.collectionView.reloadData()<-first time reloadData
and the collectionView gave me nothing . the whole page is blank.(I have an break point in preferredLayoutAttributesFitting , not invoke) and I have method - pull down to reload :
override func headerRefrshAction(){
Swift_API.REQUEST_MallRecommendData(parameter: para) { (resModel) in
for dataModel in resModel.datas!{
self.collectionView.reloadData()<-second time to reloadData
totally the same code. but this time , preferredLayoutAttributesFitting had been invoked and the page shows normally . so I don't know why the method preferredLayoutAttributesFitting
not called at first time I reload my collectionView.
any one knows it?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3553
Reputation: 195
I was having the opposite problem, preferredLayoutAttributesFitting
was called on the first load/layout of my collection view (and my cells were auto sizing correctly), but it was not called on subsequent reload/layouts (and the cells reverted to their estimated size).
The fix for me was to invalidate the layout before reloading the collection view
Upvotes: 1