Reputation: 21
I have an existing text file that is one long string. I would like to create a .bat script to insert a carriage return and line-feed after it finds ~
For example, the original text file is:
This is a long string~which should be many lines~and yet it is not
The wanted output is:
This is a long string~
which should be many lines~
and yet it is not
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Views: 20998
Reputation: 49216
First let me explain the three different types of line break/newline/line ending/line termination types.
There is carriage return with the escape sequence \r
with hexadecimal code value 0D
abbreviated with CR and line-feed with the escape sequence \n
with hexadecimal code value 0A
abbreviated with LF.
So I suppose in real the task is to insert after tilde not just a carriage return, but a carriage return + line-feed.
The answers on How can you find and replace text in a file using the Windows command-line environment? offer many solutions for replacing strings in text files using Windows command line.
The first suggested solution is with using JREPL.BAT written by Dave Benham.
jrepl.bat "~" "~\r\n" /X /F "FileToModify.txt" /O -
This solution works for a text file containing the posted line and produce the expected output.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 38719
I suppose you could also utilise PowerShell from your batch file too:
@If "%~1"=="" (Exit/B) Else If Not Exist "%~1" Exit/B
@Powershell -C "(GC '%~1') -Replace '~',\"`r`n\"|SC '%~1'"
The above accepts your input file as its argument, which means it could be as simple as a drag and drop job. The output file will be ASCII encoded by default.
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Reputation: 14340
I am not really sure how to do tilde replacement within a batch file because the tilde is a special character within the SET command for substrings.
But this should get you headed in the right direction.
@echo off
set "longline=This is a long string~which should be many lines~and yet it is not"
set count=1
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=~" %%G IN ("%longline%") DO (
SET "line%count%=%%G"
set "longline=%%H"
IF DEFINED longline (set /a count+=1 &goto loop)
FOR /L %%I IN (1,1,%count%) DO call echo %%line%%I%%
Upvotes: 1