Reputation: 463
In the following lex code, I don't understand the use of the angle brackets, . How does the <newstate>{DEFINITION} syntax work?
int c=0;
START "/*"
END "*/"
SPACE [ \t\n]
COMPLEX "*"[^/]
%s newstate
"//"(.*[ \t]*.*)*[\n]+ {c++; fprintf(yyout," ");}
{START} {yymore();BEGIN newstate;}
<newstate>{SIMPLE} {yymore();BEGIN newstate;}
<newstate>{COMPLEX} {yymore();BEGIN newstate;}
<newstate>{SPACE} {yymore();BEGIN newstate;}
<newstate>{END} {c++;fprintf(yyout," ");BEGIN 0;}
{//program to remove comment lines
yyout=fopen("fileout4","w");system("cat file4");
yylex();system("cat fileout4");
printf("no.of comments=%d",c);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 397
Reputation: 124
With this "%s newstate" you are declaring a start condition name, in your case the name is "newstate"; You can use %s ,%S or %Start to declare a start condition.
The conditions may be referenced at the head of a rule with the <> brackets.
e.g: referencing newstate as your start condition for first rule :
<newstate> {SIMPLE} { yymore(); BEGIN newstate; }
Your above rule will be only recognized when Lex is in the start condition named "newstate". You are entering this start condition by executing the action statement
BEGIN newstate;
Let me give you a sample example to understand its use : in this example, I will use three start conditions each one represents something, AN= animals, PT=Planets and BR= Birds.
This flex example will help you tell to which category the name you typed followed by "is?" belongs to. We have three categories: Animals , Planets and birds. (to make it simple I only handle monkey, horse, Jupiter and swan).
^monkey {ECHO; BEGIN AN;}
^horse {ECHO; BEGIN AN;}
^Jupiter {ECHO; BEGIN PT ;}
^swan {ECHO; BEGIN BR;}
\n {ECHO; BEGIN 0;}
<AN>is? printf(" is an Animal.!");
<PT>is? printf(" is a Planet in our solar system.!");
<BR>is? printf(" is a Bird.!");
. ;
For the following inputs we will be replacing "is ?" based on the prefix :
input -> monkey is ?
output -> monkey is an Animal.!
Here we are replacing " is ?" with " is an Animal.!" by redirecting the Lexical Analyzer to the "AN" start condition hence the associated rule " is? printf(" is an Animal.!"); " will be executed.
input -> swan is ?
output -> swan is Bird.!
Here we are replacing " is ?" with " is a Bird.!" by redirecting the Lexical Analyzer to the "BR" start condition hence the associated rule " is? printf(" is a Bird.!"); " will be executed.
input -> horse is ?
output -> horse is an Animal.!
Here we are replacing " is ?" with " is an Animal.!" by redirecting the Lexical Analyzer to the "AN" start condition hence the associated rule " is? printf(" is an Animal.!"); " will be executed.
input -> Jupiter is ?
output -> Jupiter is a Planet in our solar system.!
Here we are replacing " is ?" with " is a Planet in our solar system.!" by redirecting the Lexical Analyzer to the "PT" start condition hence associated rule " is? printf(" is a Planet in our solar system.!"); " will be executed.
So in this example you see that we are replacing " is ?" based on the prefix. If the prefix is Jupiter we echo "Jupiter" and redirect the Lexical Analyzer to the "PT" start condition hence the associated rule will be executed.
I hope this helped you to understand, let me know if you have any issues with the explanation!
Upvotes: 5