Reputation: 31
I have a DataGridView in my winform along with a TextBox to search in the DataGridView. The DataGridView has a CheckBox column. This is how my code looks:
Imports System.ComponentModel
imports system.Data.sqlclient
Public Class MyForm
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data source=" & My.Settings.sqlserver & ", " & My.Settings.sqlport & ";Network Library=DBMSSOCN;initial catalog=" & My.Settings.dbname & ";User id=" & My.Settings.Username & ";Password=" & My.Settings.Password & ";")
Dim ds As New DataSet
Private Sub filterdata(valuetosearch As String)
Dim srq As String = "Select * from Contacts where CONCAT([Unique id],Prefix,[First name],[Last name],Gender,Title,Company,Phone,Mobile,Fax,[],[],Reference,Address,[Address 2],Country,City,Zip,Facebook,GooglePlus,Instagram,Twitter,Website,Salary,Currency,[Group],[Id/Status],Note,[Added by]) like '%" & valuetosearch & "%' "
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(srq, con)
adapter.Fill(ds, "Contacts_table")
userdatagrid.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
End Sub
Private Sub searcgcon_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles searcgcon.TextChanged
If searcgcon.Text = "" Then
entrylabel.Text = "There are/is " & userdatagrid.Rows.Count & " contact entries"
entrylabel.Text = "There are/is " & userdatagrid.Rows.Count & " contact entries that contain your query :" & searcgcon.Text
End If
End Sub
Private sub refresh_click()handles
end sub
End class
I have corrected an earlier problem (see How to maintain datagridview checkstate when filtering
Now the problem I have is when I press a button that triggers "filterdata", e.g. the refresh button or even when I click/type something in the TextBox (the one used to filter), the DataGridView keeps adding rows of the same data. Please tell me where I'm wrong.
I posted this on other sites. One guy said that my filterdata's code should be in the form's Load event. If i do that then I would face some problems like :
I wouldn't have a sub called filterdata
If I don't have that sub, how am i supposed to use it in the TextBox TextChanged event?
If i am still wrong, please correct me. I am just a student!
(P.S. The database contains an Image column which i can't include in the srq string as it gives me an error on adapter.fill saying "Operand type clash : Image is incompatible with nvarchar")
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Views: 549
Reputation: 760
Update your filterdata method with below code -
Private Sub filterdata(valuetosearch As String)
userdatagrid.DataSource = Nothing
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim srq As String = "Select * from Contacts where CONCAT([Unique id],Prefix,[First name],[Last name],Gender,Title,Company,Phone,Mobile,Fax,[],[],Reference,Address,[Address 2],Country,City,Zip,Facebook,GooglePlus,Instagram,Twitter,Website,Salary,Currency,[Group],[Id/Status],Note,[Added by]) like '%" & valuetosearch & "%' "
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(srq, con)
adapter.Fill(ds, "Contacts_table")
userdatagrid.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
End Sub
You have to reset you Dataset and Grid Datasource on every text change.
Upvotes: 1