Reputation: 195
I'm working on creating a stacked bar chart (replicating like this), with CSV data which has 3 columns. I'm getting the x-axis values displayed but no stacked bar rendered. I'm having difficulty replicating from the dc.js example mentioned above.
Please see the code here
This is the data in the CSV:
var data = [ {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"Maths","Score":60}, {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"Science","Score":80}, {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"History","Score":70},
{"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"Maths","Score":90}, {"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"Science","Score":100}, {"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"History","Score":55},
{"Name":"Sara","Subject":"Maths","Score":100}, {"Name":"Sara","Subject":"Science","Score":65}, {"Name":"Sara","Subject":"History","Score":60},
{"Name":"James","Subject":"Maths","Score":70}, {"Name":"James","Subject":"Science","Score":80}, {"Name":"James","Subject":"History","Score":90},
{"Name":"Mike","Subject":"Maths","Score":90}, {"Name":"Mike","Subject":"Science","Score":75}, {"Name":"Mike","Subject":"History","Score":80} ]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 449
Reputation: 8509
I found some mistakes in your code. Working solution in the hidden snippet below and in this pen.
Firstly, you should define YDimension
this way:
var YDimension =
function reduceAdd(p, d) {
p[d.Subject] = (p[d.Subject]|| 0) + d.Score;
return p;
function reduceRemove(p, d) {
p[d.Subject] = (p[d.Subject]|| 0) - d.Score;
return p;
function reduceInitial() {
return {};})
Here, you count how many scores get peoples for appropriate subject.
Rewrite sel_stack
function sel_stack(subjectName) {
return function(dataItem) {
return dataItem.value[subjectName];
Call chart.stack
function in loop like this:
var subjects = ['Maths', 'Science', 'History'];
for(var i = 0; i < subjects.length - 1; ++i) {
var data = [ {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"Maths","Score":60}, {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"Science","Score":80}, {"Name":"Dani","Subject":"History","Score":70},
{"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"Maths","Score":90}, {"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"Science","Score":100}, {"Name":"Kelly","Subject":"History","Score":55},
{"Name":"Sara","Subject":"Maths","Score":100}, {"Name":"Sara","Subject":"Science","Score":65}, {"Name":"Sara","Subject":"History","Score":60},
{"Name":"James","Subject":"Maths","Score":70}, {"Name":"James","Subject":"Science","Score":80}, {"Name":"James","Subject":"History","Score":90},
{"Name":"Mike","Subject":"Maths","Score":90}, {"Name":"Mike","Subject":"Science","Score":75}, {"Name":"Mike","Subject":"History","Score":80} ];
var subjects = ['Maths', 'Science', 'History'];
var chart = dc.barChart("#test");
data.forEach(function(x) {
x.Marks = +x.Marks;
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var XDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) {return d.Name;});
var YDimension =
function reduceAdd(p, d) {
p[d.Subject] = (p[d.Subject]|| 0) + d.Score;
return p;
function reduceRemove(p, d) {
p[d.Subject] = (p[d.Subject]|| 0) - d.Score;
return p;
function reduceInitial() {
return {};})
function sel_stack(subjectName) {
return function(dataItem) {
return dataItem.value[subjectName];
.group(YDimension, "History", sel_stack('History'))
.margins({left: 80, top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20})
.title(function(d) {
return d.key + '[' + this.layer + ']: ' + d.value[this.layer];
dc.override(chart, 'legendables', function() {
var items = chart._legendables();
return items.reverse();
for(var i = 0; i < subjects.length - 1; ++i) {
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opacity: 0.5; }
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fill: #ccc; }
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margin-top: 15px;
margin-right: 15px; }
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font-weight: bold; }
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cursor: pointer; }
.dc-hard .number-display {
float: none; }
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Upvotes: 0