Reputation: 1
I have tried to insert a tag into an existing template but couldn't get it to work.
Existing template in odoo/addons/mail/static/src/xml/thread.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="mail.ChatThread">
<t t-if="messages.length">
<t t-name="mail.ChatComposer.Attachments">
<div class="o_attachments">
<t t-foreach="attachments" t-as='attachment'>
<t t-call="mail.Attachment">
<t t-set="editable" t-value="true"/>
<t t-name="mail.Attachment">
<div t-attf-class="o_attachment #{attachment.upload ? 'o_attachment_uploading' : ''}" t-att-title="">
<a class="o_image" t-att-href='attachment.url' target="_blank" t-att-data-mimetype="attachment.mimetype" t-attf-data-src="/web/image/#{}/100x80">
<span class='o_attachment_name'><t t-esc=''/></span>
<t t-if="editable">
<div class="o_attachment_delete">
<i class='fa fa-times-circle' title="Delete this attachment" t-att-data-id=""/>
<div class="o_attachment_progress_bar">
My custom template (odoo/addons/mycustom/static/src/xml/thread.xml):
I want to insert the Hello world after the class o_image in the original template.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="mycustom.ImageAttachment" t-extend="mail.Attachment">
<t t-jquery="o_image" t-operation="append">
<div>Hello world</div>
My javascript to render the template (odoo/addons/mycustom/static/src/js/thread.js):
odoo.define('mycustom.thread', function (require) {
"use strict";
var core = require('web.core');
var ajax = require('web.ajax');
var qweb = core.qweb;
ajax.loadXML('/mycustom/static/src/xml/thread.xml', qweb);
console.log("INFO", "Hello World")
My assets file (odoo/addons/mycustom/views/assets.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="assets_backend" name="my assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mycustom/static/src/js/thread.js"></script>
My manifest file (odoo/addons/mycustom/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'name': "test",
'summary': """my test""",
'description': """
This is my test module.
'author': "peter",
'website': "",
# Categories can be used to filter modules in modules listing
# Check
# for the full list
'category': 'Test',
'version': '0.1',
# any module necessary for this one to work correctly
'depends': ['base','mail'],
# always loaded
'data': [
'qweb': [
The javascript is loaded because I can see the text Hello World
written on the browser console.
However, I cannot see the <div>Hello World</div>
in the chat thread. What did I miss?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3281
Reputation: 4174
Try this:
<t t-name="mail.Attachment" t-extend="mail.Attachment">
<t t-jquery="o_image" t-operation="inner">
<div>Hello world</div>
Hope it will help you.
Upvotes: 0