Reputation: 57333
In trying to use spec library, I'm getting errors in attempting to use exercise-fn. I've reduced this to the posted example at the main guide page with no change.
relevant code:
(ns spec1
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
;;this and the fdef are literal copies from the example page
(defn adder [x] #(+ x %))
(s/fdef adder
:args (s/cat :x number?)
:ret (s/fspec :args (s/cat :y number?)
:ret number?)
:fn #(= (-> % :args :x) ((:ret %) 0)))
Now, typing the following
(s/exercise-fn adder)
gives the error:
Exception No :args spec found, can't generate clojure.spec.alpha/exercise-fn (alpha.clj:1833)
Dependencies/versions used, [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-beta3"] [org.clojure/tools.logging "0.4.0"] [org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]
Anyone have any ideas as to why this is breaking? Thanks.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 341
Reputation: 29984
You need to backquote the function name, which will add the namespace prefix:
(s/exercise-fn `adder)
For example, in my test code:
(s/fdef ranged-rand
:args (s/and
(s/cat :start int? :end int?)
#(< (:start %) (:end %) 1e9)) ; need add 1e9 limit to avoid integer overflow
:ret int?
:fn (s/and #(>= (:ret %) (-> % :args :start))
#(< (:ret %) (-> % :args :end))))
(when true
(stest/instrument `ranged-rand)
(is (thrown? Exception (ranged-rand 8 5))))
(spyx (s/exercise-fn `ranged-rand)))
Which results in:
(s/exercise-fn (quote tst.tupelo.x.spec/ranged-rand))
=> ([(-2 0) -1] [(-4 1) -1] [(-2 0) -2] [(-1 0) -1] [(-14 6) -4]
[(-36 51) 45] [(-28 -3) -7] [(0 28) 27] [(-228 -53) -130] [(-2 0) -1])
Note that the namespace-qualified function name tst.tupelo.x.spec/ranged-rand
is used.
Upvotes: 5