I'm creating a bot using botframework , c# . I'm using also qnamaker. My questions is how to store in database the questions and answer of users. For the moment i can store in log table only message send by users as below :
MessagesController.cs :
// if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
// Log to Database
// *************************
// Instantiate the BotData dbContext
Model.qnamakerbotdataEntities DB = new Model.qnamakerbotdataEntities();
// Create a new UserLog object
Model.UserLog NewUserLog = new Model.UserLog();
// Set the properties on the UserLog object
NewUserLog.Channel = activity.ChannelId;
NewUserLog.UserID = activity.From.Id;
NewUserLog.UserName = activity.From.Name;
NewUserLog.created = DateTime.UtcNow;
NewUserLog.Message = activity.Text.Truncate(500);
// Add the UserLog object to UserLogs
// Save the changes to the database
Do you have an idea how to store message send by users and response of the bot ?
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;
using QnABot.API;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Internals;
namespace QnABot.Dialogs
public class RootDialog : IDialog<object>
public Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context,
IAwaitable<object> result)
//var activity = await result as Activity;
//// Prompt text
//await context.PostAsync("Feel free to ask me");
var privateData = context.PrivateConversationData;
var privateConversationInfo = IncrementInfoCount(privateData,
var conversationData = context.ConversationData;
var conversationInfo = IncrementInfoCount(conversationData,
var userData = context.UserData;
var userInfo = IncrementInfoCount(userData,
conversationData.SetValue(BotStoreType.BotConversationData.ToString(), conversationInfo);
userData.SetValue(BotStoreType.BotUserData.ToString(), userInfo);
private async Task QnADialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activityResult = await result as Activity;
var query = activityResult.Text;
var qnaResult = QnaApi.GetFirstQnaAnswer(query);
if (qnaResult == null)
string message = $"Sorry, I did not understand . Please
reformulate your question";
await context.PostAsync(qnaResult.answers[0].answer);
public class BotDataInfo
public int Count { get; set; }
private BotDataInfo IncrementInfoCount(IBotDataBag botdata, string key)
BotDataInfo info = null;
if (botdata.ContainsKey(key))
info = botdata.GetValue<BotDataInfo>(key);
info = new BotDataInfo() { Count = 1 };
return info;
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Views: 536
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You could so something like below. Please note I did not have all your code to make this compile, but you should be able to adjust it if needed. the main part is creating a reply like this var reply = activityResult.CreateReply();
and then setting the text in the message
variable in your if-else
then setting the text of the reply then sending it
NewUserLog.Message = reply.Text;
await context.PostAsync(reply);
private async Task QnADialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activityResult = await result as Activity;
var query = activityResult.Text;
var reply = activityResult.CreateReply();
var qnaResult = QnaApi.GetFirstQnaAnswer(query);
string message = "";
if (qnaResult == null)
message = $"Sorry, I did not understand. Please reformulate your question";
message = qnaResult.answers[0].answer;
reply.Text = message;
Model.qnamakerbotdataEntities DB = new Model.qnamakerbotdataEntities();
// Create a new UserLog object
Model.UserLog NewUserLog = new Model.UserLog();
// Set the properties on the UserLog object
NewUserLog.Channel = reply.ChannelId;
NewUserLog.UserID = reply.From.Id;
NewUserLog.UserName = reply.From.Name;
NewUserLog.created = DateTime.UtcNow;
NewUserLog.Message = reply.Text;
await context.PostAsync(reply);
Upvotes: 1