Reputation: 5
I need to copy one array in global memory to another array in global memory by CUDA threads (not from the host).
My code is as follows:
__global__ void copy_kernel(int *g_data1, int *g_data2, int n)
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int start, end;
start = some_func(idx);
end = another_func(idx);
unsigned int i;
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
g_data2[i] = g_data1[idx];
It is very inefficient because for some idx, the [start, end] region is very large, which makes that thread issue too many copy commands. Is there any way to implement it efficiently?
Thank you,
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Views: 1207
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The way you wrote it, I am guessing each thread is trying to write the whole 'start' to 'end' chunk. Which is really really inefficient.
you need to do something like this.
___shared___ unsigned sm_start[BLOCK_SIZE];
___shared___ unsigned sm_end[BLOCK_SIZE];
sm_start[threadIdx.x] = start;
sm_end[threadIdx.y] = end;
for (int n = 0; n < blockdDim.x; n++) {
g_data2 += sm_start[n];
unsigned lim = sm_end[n] - sm_start[n];
for (int i = threadIdx.x; i < lim; i += blockDim.x) {
g_data2[i] = g_data1[idx];
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3085
try using this:
CUresult cuMemcpyDtoD(
CUdeviceptr dst,
CUdeviceptr src,
unsigned int bytes
You're right:
There is no efficient way to do this properly because the design of CUDA wants you to use only small amount of data in the kernel.
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