Reputation: 1253
Here is a common problem when we are working with Spark and MongoDB using MongoSpark connector. This connector is designed to insert/update the documents into MongoDB in batch style. There are three ways to insert/update the documents using Spark.
Both dataset and dataframe support insert/update the documents using method where as RDD[Document] only supports insert. So we have a problem with Mongo Spark to update an RDD[Document].
Is there any solution to update/replace the RDD[Document] into MongoDB using Spark?.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3681
Reputation: 1253
Currently Mongo Spark Connector doesn't support the updating/replacing RDD[Document]. But There is a workaround solution to update/replace RDD[Document] of Mongo Documents using Apache Spark with the help of Connector.
Here is the sample code for update/replace with example data:
{ "_id" : 100, "name" : "Naga", "age" : 30, "place" : "Bangalore" }
{ "_id" : 101, "name" : "Ravi", "age" : 33, "place" : "Bangalore" }
{ "_id" : 102, "name" : "Hari", "age" : 23, "place" : "Mysore" }
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Mongo").setMaster("local[*]") val readOverrides = new HashMap[String, String]() readOverrides.put("spark.mongodb.input.uri", "mongodb://localhost:27017/info.people") val readConfig = ReadConfig.create(conf, readOverrides) val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate() val peopleRDD = MongoSpark.load(sc, readConfig) val updateRDD = { document => document.append("state", "karnataka") } val writeOverrides = new HashMap[String, String]() writeOverrides.put("spark.mongodb.output.uri", "mongodb://localhost:27017/info.people") writeOverrides.put("replaceDocument", "false") val writeConfig = WriteConfig.create(conf, writeOverrides) save(updateRDD, writeConfig) def save(rdd: RDD[Document], writeConfig: WriteConfig): Unit = { val mongoConnector = MongoConnector(writeConfig.asOptions) rdd.foreachPartition { partition => { if (partition.nonEmpty) { mongoConnector.withCollectionDo(writeConfig, { collection: MongoCollection[Document] => { partition.foreach { document => { val searchDocument = new Document() searchDocument.append("_id", document.get("_id").asInstanceOf[Double]) collection.replaceOne(searchDocument, document) } } } }) } } } }
{ "_id" : 100, "name" : "Naga", "age" : 30, "place" : "Bangalore", "state" : "karnataka" }
{ "_id" : 101, "name" : "Ravi", "age" : 33, "place" : "Bangalore", "state" : "karnataka" }
{ "_id" : 102, "name" : "Hari", "age" : 23, "place" : "Mysore", "state" : "karnataka" }
This is solution works.
Upvotes: 3