Reputation: 23831
Using the example code from Plotly, the map hovers don't render in RStudio (or a compiled .html file using RMarkdown):
library(plotly) # version ‘4.7.1’
df <- read.csv('')
df$q <- with(df, cut(pop, quantile(pop)))
levels(df$q) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th"), "Quantile")
df$q <- as.ordered(df$q)
g <- list(
scope = 'usa',
projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
showland = TRUE,
landcolor = toRGB("gray85"),
subunitwidth = 1,
countrywidth = 1,
subunitcolor = toRGB("white"),
countrycolor = toRGB("white")
p <- plot_geo(df, locationmode = 'USA-states', sizes = c(1, 250)) %>%
x = ~lon, y = ~lat, size = ~pop, color = ~q, hoverinfo = "text",
text = ~paste(df$name, "<br />", df$pop/1e6, " million")
) %>%
layout(title = '2014 US city populations<br>(Click legend to toggle)', geo = g)
I've also tried hovertext
instead of text
without any success.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 307
Reputation: 2777
This was recently fixed in the dev version devtools::install_github('ropensci/plotly')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 321
I think it is due to a newer version of plot_ly that you are using (hoverinfo = "text" is no longer needed) : Try this:
library(plotly) # version ‘4.7.1’
df <- read.csv('')
df$q <- with(df, cut(pop, quantile(pop)))
levels(df$q) <- paste(c("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", "5th"), "Quantile")
df$q <- as.ordered(df$q)
g <- list(
scope = 'usa',
projection = list(type = 'albers usa'),
showland = TRUE,
landcolor = toRGB("gray85"),
subunitwidth = 1,
countrywidth = 1,
subunitcolor = toRGB("white"),
countrycolor = toRGB("white")
p <- plot_geo(df, locationmode = 'USA-states', sizes = c(1, 250)) %>%
layout(title = '2014 US city populations<br>(Click legend to toggle)', geo = g) %>%
add_markers(x = ~lon, y = ~lat, size = ~pop, color = ~q, text = ~paste(df$name, "<br />", df$pop/1e6, " million")
It works on my RStudio.
Upvotes: 2