What data types are usually used in C API implementation for storing byte streams? How can I convert this type to jbyteArray?
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See the Java_ReadFile_loadFile example where they use NewByteArray() and return it directly.
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_ReadFile_loadFile
(JNIEnv * env, jobject jobj, jstring name) {
caddr_t m;
jbyteArray jb;
struct stat finfo;
jboolean iscopy;
const jchar *mfile = (*env)->GetStringChars(env,
name, &iscopy);
(*env)->ReleaseStringChars(env, name, mfile);
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You don't need to convert them. The types jbyteArray and char* are compatible.
Java declaration:
private static native int doSomething(bate[] string, int length);
C delaration:
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_package_class_doSomething(JNIEnv *env, jclass jc, jbyteArray string, jint length) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// read string[i]
You can pass values back to java the same way. But make sure the length of the byte array is initialized BEFORE calling the C function.
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You question is not very clear.
Assuming you have some bytes in C representing characters, the best idea is to get the bytes into Java and convert them to text there using Java's byte conversions.
In JNI you simply need to materialize a Java array, either by using JNI to instantiate one, or by passing a reference in as a parameter (for which you still need to "materialize" a pointer in the JNI code).
I have done this latter thing before, so here is the code FYI. This JNI call used an AS/400 C API to read a database record and return the bytes back to Java - the Java code then used record format information to extract the fields into Strings. Hope this is of some help:
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_xxx_DB2File_jniRead(JNIEnv *jep, jobject thsObj,
jlong handle, jint readOp, jbyteArray jvaDta, jint jvaDtaMax, jint flags) {
OBJDTA *odp;
jbyte *jniDta;
_RIOFB_T *fbp;
if((odp=getDataspace(handle))==NULL) {
throwEscape(jep,90003,"Invalid handle for dataspace in jniRead()");
return JNI_FALSE;
// read database record here
if(fbp->num_bytes<=0) {
(*jep)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jep,jvaDta,jniDta,JNI_ABORT); /* do not copy changed array back to java */
return JNI_FALSE;
if(fbp->num_bytes!=odp->rcdLen) {
byte errtxt[201];
(*jep)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jep,jvaDta,jniDta,JNI_ABORT); /* do not copy changed array back to java */
throwEscape(jep,90204,"Native function jniRead failed. Got %i, expected %i (%s)",fbp->num_bytes,odp->rcdLen,
return JNI_FALSE;
(*jep)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jep,jvaDta,jniDta,0); /* copy changed array back to java */
return JNI_TRUE;
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That'd be (const) unsigned char * representing a block of memory holding the bytes themselves, coupled with a size_t telling you the number of bytes.
This thread seems to go over how to create a suitable Java type (NewByteArray() is the function).
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