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When determining the closest pair of vertices in a plane with the sweep algorithm outlined below, is it possible to determine multiple pairs without additional runs?
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Views: 486
You need to store the equal Closest Pairs in a separate list.
Whenever you compare two distances, you must compare the shortest to that in the separate list.
If shorter, empty the list.
If equal, append to the list (possibly both pairs).
Using a constant-time store, this will not degrade the algorithm complexity.
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It seems to me that when you are finding the minimum distance of a pair of points in a half, you can record the pair with minimum distance. If you find other pairs with the same distance, you could remember all of them by pushing them into some sort of collection. Do this for the left and right halves, and for the sliver you check in the middle, and you should be able to print out all the recorded elements of any list(s) corresponding to minimum distances. Something like:
sort points according to x coordinate
return AllPairsMinDistInternal(points[1...n])
if n = 1 then
return (+infinity, [])
else if n = 2 then
d = distance(points[1], points[2])
c = (points[1], points[2])
return (d, c)
else then
(dL, cL) = AllPairsMinDistInternal(points[1...floor(n/2)])
(dR, cR) = AllPairsMinDistInternal(points[floor(n/2)+1...n])
(dM, cM) = PairsMinDistMiddle(points[1...n], dL, dR)
dMin = min(dL, dR, dM)
cMin = []
if dL = dMin then cMin = cMin union cL
if dR = dMin then cMin = cMin union cR
if dM = dMin then cMin = cMin union cM
return (dMin, cMin)
AllPairsMinDistMiddle(points[1...n], dL, dR)
if n = 1 then
return (+infinity, [])
else if n = 2 then
d = distance(points[1], points[2])
c = (points[1], points[2])
return (d, c)
else then
xV = (points[floor(n/2)].x + points[floor(n/2)+1].x) / 2
minD = min(dL, dR)
minC = []
ll = binary search for index of point with smallest
x coordinate satisfying xV - x <= minD
rr = binary search for index of point with largest
x coordinate satisfying x - xV <= minD
for i = ll to floor(n/2) do
for j = floor(n/2) + 1 to rr do
d = distance(points[i], points[j])
if d = minD then
minC = minC union [(points[i], points[j])]
else if d < minD then
minD = d
minC = [(points[i], points[j])]
alternative to for loop:
(dMin, cMin) = AllPairsMinDistInternal(points[ll...rr])
return (dMin, cMin)
There are probably some issues with the above - I just sort of typed it out ad-hoc and without really understanding the algorithm that's being used - but from your high-level description this sounds doable.
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