Reputation: 27
Been trying to use the geocoder gem to find locations using the geocoders method near for finding certain locations near to certain points.
def index
@data = Datum.all
@emergency = Emergency.last
@data_near = Datum.near([@emergency.longitude,@emergency.latitude],100,:units => :km)
@geojson =
@data_near.each do |mapdata|
@geojson << {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [mapdata.longitude, mapdata.latitude]
properties: {
name: mapdata.description,
address: mapdata.address,
BusType: 'hospital',
popupContent: "#{mapdata.address} is a #{mapdata.description}",
:'marker-color' => '#00607d',
:'marker-symbol' => 'circle',
:'marker-size' => 'medium'
respond_to do |format|
format.json{ render json: @geojson }
That's the code i am trying to run,it returns an empty array even when the locations near within the specified parameters are present. When i try to run the code directly in the rails console with real
data = Datum.near([36.7689503,-1.381776],10,:units => :km)
I do not get any error generated but the output i get is less than readable or comprehensible.The output is:
Datum Load (0.3ms) SELECT data.*, (111.19492664455873 * ABS(data.latitude - 36.7689503) * 0.7071067811865475) + (96.29763124613503 * ABS(data.longitude - -1.381776) * 0.7071067811865475) AS distance, CASE WHEN (data.latitude >= 36.7689503 AND data.longitude >= -1.381776) THEN 45.0 WHEN (data.latitude < 36.7689503 AND data.longitude >= -1.381776) THEN 135.0 WHEN (data.latitude < 36.7689503 AND data.longitude < -1.381776) THEN 225.0 WHEN (data.latitude >= 36.7689503 AND data.longitude < -1.381776) THEN 315.0 END AS bearing FROM "data" WHERE (data.latitude BETWEEN 36.67901813940813 AND 36.85888246059187 AND data.longitude BETWEEN -1.4940430256783075 AND -1.2695089743216923) ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
Any help will be highly appreciated.
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Views: 634
Reputation: 27
t.string "longitude"
t.string "latitude"
Had saved up my coordinates in the database with the string data-type which is wrong ,the coordinates should be saved with the float data attribute.This solved my problem for anyone that maybe experiencing the same problem.Its a good place to start checking.
Upvotes: 1