Reputation: 225
in one simple Python program for testing users environment, I should also get version of installed Word (example: WinWord 16, 64-bit). Any idea how to do that? I'm sure, that different GUIDs should exist, but where can I find them :-)
**** edit
I checked both suggestions, but it isn't enough. I have to get an information if Word is 32- or 64-bit. Until now, I have checked location of "winword.exe". For example: 1. location for 64-bit Office 15 c:\program files\microsoft office\office15\winword.exe 2. location for 32-bit Office 15 c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office15\winword.exe
I'm sure that M$ has list of GUIDs (used in registry) for latest versions of Word. But I can't find the list :-) With suggested solutions, I can't check 32- or 64- technology.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1261
Reputation: 14313
I figured the additional information would be useful, but you can reduce it to just 32-bit and 64-bit.
import subprocess, os, struct
def getWordVersion():
directory = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"
wordFile = ""
wordVersion = ""
def recursiveSearch(directory):
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(directory):
for dire in dirs:
result = recursiveSearch(root + "\\" + dire)
if result:
return result
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith(".lnk") and filename.startswith("Word "):
wordFile = root + "\\" + filename
wordVersion = filename[:-4]
return wordFile, wordVersion
return False
wordFile, wordVersion = recursiveSearch(directory)
lnkTarget = subprocess.check_output(["C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
"(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('" + wordFile + "').TargetPath"],shell=True)
locationOfLnk = lnkTarget.strip()
f=open(locationOfLnk, "rb")
header_offset=struct.unpack("<L", s)[0]
machine=struct.unpack("<H", s)[0]
architecture = ""
if machine==IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386:
architecture = "IA-32 (32-bit x86)"
elif machine==IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64:
architecture = "IA-64 (Itanium)"
elif machine==IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64:
architecture = "AMD64 (64-bit x86)"
architecture = "Unknown architecture"
return wordVersion + " " + architecture
A method is to loop through all registry keys under Office
and find the most recent one. Unfortunately, Microsoft decided it was a great idea to change the install directory in nearly every version. So, if you want to compile a complete list of all install locations, that'd work to (unless they installed it at a custom location).
Note: This is Python 3 code, if you need Python 2, then change winreg
to _winreg
import winreg
def getMicrosoftWordVersion():
key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Office", 0, winreg.KEY_READ)
versionNum = 0
i = 0
while True:
subkey = winreg.EnumKey(key, i)
if versionNum < float(subkey):
versionNum = float(subkey)
except: #relies on error handling WindowsError as e as well as type conversion when we run out of numbers
return versionNum
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1986
Another way is using OLE/ActiveX/COM technology. This is a some kind of high-level version of provided "registry method". Assuming you're on Windows machine since this will not work on Linux in most cases:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch
word = Dispatch('Word.Application')
print (word)
word_version = word.version
print (word_version)
$ python -m venv ve
$ ve\Scripts\activate.bat
(ve)$ pip install pypiwin32
(ve)$ python
On my Windows machine output was:
Microsoft Word
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