Hej! I have a script that is supposed to be triggered onEdit. onEdit() as a simple trigger is not an option for me, since the script needs authorizations. When setting an installable trigger with the editor the trigger is only fired when a specific variable is manually defined, but not when it is defined with an array. Since I have no clue where the problem could be (I have tried to comment out the code part by part, but it always ends up not working when comming to the last part.
function myFunction() {
//Source Sheet for different sheets
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var activeSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var activeRange = ss.getActiveRange();
var activeRow = activeRange.getRowIndex();
var CategoryValues = ss.getSheetValues(activeRow, 4, 1, 14);
var ID = activeSheet.getRange(activeRow,2).getValue();
var red = '#e06666'
// Defining the sourceWeekNumber in the sourceSheet with a while loop
var sourceWeeks = activeSheet.getRange(1,1,activeRow).getValues();
var sourceWeekColor = activeSheet.getRange(1,1,activeRow).getBackgrounds();
var sourceWeekNumber = [];
var sourceWeekIndex=1;
while (sourceWeekColor[sourceWeekIndex-1]!=red) {
if (sourceWeekColor[sourceWeekIndex]==red) {
//Target sheet is always mastersheet
var ts = SpreadsheetApp.openById('ID').getSheetByName('mastersheet');
//Finding the right spot in mastesheet
//Validate the weeknumber
var validWeek = ts.getRange(2, 1, ts.getLastRow()).getValues();
var rowIndex = [];
//-----> var sourceWeekNumber = 'v50'; <-----
// When defining this variable manually, onEdit works fine.
// When defining sourceWeek with the while loop above, the onEdit does not trigger.
// Find the right week and it's row in the mastersheet
var validWeekIndex = 1;
while (validWeek[validWeekIndex] != sourceWeekNumber) {
if (validWeek[validWeekIndex] == sourceWeekNumber) {
var validID = ts.getRange(validWeekIndex+3,2, ts.getLastRow()).getValues();
I have tried different things, always using Logger.log() or Browser.msgBox() trying to identify the problem. Any ideas or workarounds? I have been stuck with this for 3 days now and can't find any solution. I have prepared a sample sheet as well, if it is needed then I can edit it in. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Here is the link to the sample sheet:
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Views: 305
I figured it out. It was of course not the trigger, but different factors that made me think it was:
Edit: For future references, I simply used sourceWeekNumber.toString() to be able to get it to match with the other array, comparing a string instead of and object inside of an array.
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