
Reputation: 555

Perl: Need assistance converting if-elsif-else to something simpler

I've been reading up on dispatch tables and I get the general idea of how they work, but I'm having some trouble taking what I see online and applying the concept to some code I originally wrote as an ugly mess of if-elsif-else statements.

I have options parsing configured by using GetOpt::Long, and in turn, those options set a value in the %OPTIONS hash, depending on the option used.

Taking the below code as an example... (UPDATED WITH MORE DETAIL)

use     5.008008;
use     strict;
use     warnings;
use     File::Basename qw(basename);
use     Getopt::Long qw(HelpMessage VersionMessage :config posix_default require_order no_ignore_case auto_version auto_help);

my $EMPTY      => q{};

sub usage
    my $PROG = basename($0);
    print {*STDERR} $_ for @_;
    print {*STDERR} "Try $PROG --help for more information.\n";

sub process_args
    my %OPTIONS;

    $OPTIONS{host}              = $EMPTY;
    $OPTIONS{bash}              = 0;
    $OPTIONS{nic}               = 0;
    $OPTIONS{nicName}           = $EMPTY;
    $OPTIONS{console}           = 0;
    $OPTIONS{virtual}           = 0;
    $OPTIONS{cmdb}              = 0;
    $OPTIONS{policyid}          = 0;
    $OPTIONS{showcompliant}     = 0;
    $OPTIONS{backup}            = 0;
    $OPTIONS{backuphistory}     = 0;
    $OPTIONS{page}              = $EMPTY;

        'host|h=s'              => \$OPTIONS{host}               ,
        'use-bash-script'       => \$OPTIONS{bash}               ,
        'remote-console|r!'     => \$OPTIONS{console}            ,
        'virtual-console|v!'    => \$OPTIONS{virtual}            ,
        'nic|n!'                => \$OPTIONS{nic}                ,
        'nic-name|m=s'          => \$OPTIONS{nicName}            ,
        'cmdb|d!'               => \$OPTIONS{cmdb}               ,
        'policy|p=i'            => \$OPTIONS{policyid}           ,
        'show-compliant|c!'     => \$OPTIONS{showcompliant}      ,
        'backup|b!'             => \$OPTIONS{backup}             ,
        'backup-history|s!'     => \$OPTIONS{backuphistory}      ,
        'page|g=s'              => \$OPTIONS{page}               ,
        'help'                  => sub      { HelpMessage(-exitval => 0, -verbose ->1)     },
        'version'               => sub      { VersionMessage()  },
      ) or usage;

    if ($OPTIONS{host} eq $EMPTY)
        print {*STDERR} "ERROR: Must specify a host with -h flag\n";


    # Parse anything else on the command line and throw usage
    for (@ARGV)
        warn "Unknown argument: $_\n";

    return {%OPTIONS};

sub sanity_check_options
    my $OPTIONS     = shift;

    if (($OPTIONS->{console}) and ($OPTIONS->{virtual}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -r and -v together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{console}) and ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -r and -d together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{console}) and ($OPTIONS->{backup}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -r and -b together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{console}) and ($OPTIONS->{nic}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -r and -n together\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{virtual}) and ($OPTIONS->{backup}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -v and -b together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{virtual}) and ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -v and -d together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{virtual}) and ($OPTIONS->{nic}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -v and -n together\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{backup}) and ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -b and -d together\n";
    elsif (($OPTIONS->{backup}) and ($OPTIONS->{nic}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -b and -n together\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{nic}) and ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flags -n and -d together\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{policyid} != 0) and not ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flag -p without also specifying -d\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{showcompliant}) and not ($OPTIONS->{cmdb}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flag -c without also specifying -d\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{backuphistory}) and not ($OPTIONS->{backup}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flag -s without also specifying -b\n";

    if (($OPTIONS->{nicName}) and not ($OPTIONS->{nic}))
        print "ERROR: Cannot use flag -m without also specifying -n\n";

    return %{$OPTIONS};

I'd like to turn the above code into a dispatch table, but can't figure out how to do it.

Any help is appreciated.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 310

Answers (3)


Reputation: 66873

I am not sure how a dispatch table would help since you need to go through pair-wise combinations of specific possibilities, and thus cannot trigger a suitable action by one lookup.

Here is another way to organize it

use List::MoreUtils 'firstval';

sub sanity_check_options
    my ($OPTIONS, $opt_excl) = @_;

    # Check each of 'opt_excl' against all other for ConFLict
    my @excl = sort keys %$opt_excl;
    while (my $eo = shift @excl) 
        if (my $cfl = firstval { $OPTIONS->{$eo} and $OPTIONS->{$_} } @excl) 
            say "Can't use -$opt_excl->{$eo} and -$opt_excl->{$cfl} together";

    # Go through specific checks on
    # policyid, showcompliant, backuphistory, and nicName
    return 1;  # or some measure of whether there were errors

# Mutually exclusive options
my %opt_excl = (
    console => 'r', virtual => 'v', cmdb => 'c', backup => 'b', nic => 'n'

sanity_check_options(\%OPTIONS, \%opt_excl);

This checks all options listed in %opt_excl against each other for conflict, removing the segments of elsif involving the (five) options that are mutually exclusive. It uses List::MoreUtils::firstval. The few other specific invocations are best checked one by one.

There is no use of returning $OPTIONS since it is passed as reference so any changes apply to the original structure (while it's not meant to be changed either). Perhaps you can keep track of whether there were errors and return that if it can be used in the caller, or just return 1.

This addresses the long elsif chain as asked, and doesn't go into the rest of code. Here is one comment though: There is no need for {%OPTIONS}, which copies the hash in order to create an anonymous one; just use return \%OPTIONS;

Comment on possible multiple conflicting options

This answer as it stands does not print all conflicting options that have been used if there are more than two, as raised by ikegami in comments; it does catch any conflicts so that the run is aborted.

The code is readily adjusted for this. Instead of the code in the if block either

  • set a flag as a conflict is detected and break out of the loop, then print the list of those that must not be used with each other (values %opt_excl) or point at the following usage message

  • collect the conflicts as they are observed; print them after the loop

  • or, see a different approach in ikegami's answer

However, one is expected to know of allowed invocations of a program and any listing of conflicts is a courtesy to the forgetful user (or a debugging aid); a usage message is printed as well anyway.

Given the number of conflicting options the usage message should have a prominent note on this. Also consider that so many conflicting options may indicate a design flaw.

Finally, this code fully relies on the fact that this processing goes once per run and operates with a handful of options; thus it is not concerned with efficiency and freely uses ancillary data structures.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 385496

You shouldn't be using elsif here because multiple condition could be true. And since multiple conditions could be true, a dispatch table can't be used. Your code can still be simplified greatly.

my @errors;

push @errors, "ERROR: Host must be provided\n"
   if !defined($OPTIONS{host});

my @conflicting =
   map { my ($opt, $flag) = @$_; $OPTIONS->{$opt} ? $flag : () }
      [ 'console', '-r' ],
      [ 'virtual', '-v' ],
      [ 'cmdb',    '-d' ],
      [ 'backup',  '-b' ],
      [ 'nic',     '-n' ];

push @errors, "ERROR: Can only use one the following flags at a time: @conflicting\n"
   if @conflicting > 1;

push @errors, "ERROR: Can't use flag -p without also specifying -d\n"
   if defined($OPTIONS->{policyid}) && !$OPTIONS->{cmdb};

push @errors, "ERROR: Can't use flag -c without also specifying -d\n"
   if $OPTIONS->{showcompliant} && !$OPTIONS->{cmdb};

push @errors, "ERROR: Can't use flag -s without also specifying -b\n"
   if $OPTIONS->{backuphistory} && !$OPTIONS->{backup};

push @errors, "ERROR: Can't use flag -m without also specifying -n\n"
   if defined($OPTIONS->{nicName}) && !$OPTIONS->{nic};

push @errors, "ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments\n"
   if @ARGV;

usage(@errors) if @errors;

Note that the above fixes numerous errors in your code.

Help vs Usage Error

  • --help should provide the requested help to STDOUT, and shouldn't result in an error exit code.
  • Usage errors should be printed to STDERR, and should result in an error exit code.

Calling HelpMessage indifferently in both situations is therefore incorrect.

Create the following sub named usage to use (without arguments) when GetOptions returns false, and with an error message when some other usage error occurs:

use File::Basename qw( basename );

sub usage {
   my $prog = basename($0);
   print STDERR $_ for @_;
   print STDERR "Try '$prog --help' for more information.\n";

Keep using HelpMessage in response to --help, but the defaults for the arguments are not appropriate for --help. You should use the following:

'help' => sub { HelpMessage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 1 ) },

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 54323

You can use a dispatch table if there are a lot of options. I would build that table programmatically. It might not be the best option here, but it works and the configuration is more readable than your elsif construct.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Ref::Util::XS 'is_arrayref';    # or Ref::Util

sub create_key {
    my $input = shift;

    # this would come from somewhere else, probably the Getopt config
    my @opts = qw( host bash nic nicName console virtual cmdb
        policyid showcompliant backup backuphistory page );

    # this is to cover the configuration with easier syntax
    $input = { map { $_ => 1 } @{$input} }
        if is_arrayref($input);

    # options are always prefilled with false values
    return join q{}, map { $input->{$_} ? 1 : 0 }
        sort @opts;

my %forbidden_combinations = (
    map { create_key( $_->[0] ) => $_->[1] } (
        [ [qw( console virtual )] => q{Cannot use flags -r and -v together} ],
        [ [qw( console cmdb )]    => q{Cannot use flags -r and -d together} ],
        [ [qw( console backup )]  => q{Cannot use flags -r and -b together} ],
        [ [qw( console nic )]     => q{Cannot use flags -r and -n together} ],

p %forbidden_combinations; # from Data::Printer

The output of the p function is the dispatch table.

    00101   "Cannot use flags -r and -v together",
    00110   "Cannot use flags -r and -n together",
    01100   "Cannot use flags -r and -d together",
    10100   "Cannot use flags -r and -b together"

As you can see, we've sorted all the options ascii-betically to use them as keys. That way, you could in theory build all kinds of combinations like exclusive options.

Let's take a look at the configuration itself.

my %forbidden_combinations = (
    map { create_key( $_->[0] ) => $_->[1] } (
        [ [qw( console virtual )] => q{Cannot use flags -r and -v together} ],
        # ...

We use a list of array references. Each entry is on one line and contains two pieces of information. Using the fat comma => makes it easy to read. The first part, which is much like a key in a hash, is the combination. It's a list of fields that should not occur together. The second element in the array ref is the error message. I've removed all the recurring elements, like the newline, to make it easier to change how and where the error can be displayed.

The map around this list of combination configuration runs the options through our create_key function, which translates it to a simple bitmap-style string. We assign all of it to a hash of that map and the error message.

Inside create_key, we check if it was called with an array reference as its argument. If that's the case, the call was for building the table, and we convert it to a hash reference so we have a proper map to look stuff up in. We know that the %OPTIONS always contains all the keys that exist, and that those are pre-filled with values that all evaluate to false. We can harness that convert the truthiness of those values to 1 or 0, which then builds our key.

We will see in a moment why that is useful.

Now how do we use this?

sub HelpMessage { exit; }; # as a placeholder

# set up OPTIONS
my %OPTIONS = (
    host          => q{},
    bash          => 0,
    nic           => 0,
    nicName       => q{},
    console       => 0,
    virtual       => 0,
    cmdb          => 0,
    policyid      => 0,
    showcompliant => 0,
    backup        => 0,
    backuphistory => 0,
    page          => q{},

# read options with Getopt::Long ...
$OPTIONS{console} = $OPTIONS{virtual} = 1;

# ... and check for wrong invocations
if ( exists $forbidden_combinations{ my $key = create_key($OPTIONS) } ) {
    warn "ERROR: $forbidden_combinations{$key}\n";

All we need to do now is get the $OPTIONS hash reference from Getopt::Long, and pass it through our create_key function to turn it into the map string. Then we can simply see if that key exists in our %forbidden_combinations dispatch table and show the corresponding error message.

Advantages of this approach

If you want to add more parameters, all you need to do is include them in @opts. In a full implementation that would probably be auto-generated from the config for the Getopt call. The keys will change under the hood, but since that is abstracted away you don't have to care.

Furthermore, this is easy to read. The create_key aside, the actual dispatch table syntax is quite concise and even has documentary character.

Disadvantages of this approach

There is a lot of programmatic generation going on for just a single call. It's certainly not the most efficient way to do it.

To take this further, you can write functions that auto-generate entries for certain scenarios.

I suggest you take a look at the second chapter in Mark Jason Dominus' excellent book Higher-Order Perl, which is available for free as a PDF.

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