
Reputation: 14958

How to feed a list of unquoted column names into `lapply` (so that I can use it with a `dplyr` function)

I am trying to write a function in tidyverse/dplyr that I want to eventually use with lapply (or map). (I had been working on it to answer this question, but came upon an interesting result/dead-end. Please don't mark this as a duplicate - this question is an extension/departure from the answers that you see there.)

Is there
1) a way to get a list of quoted variables to work inside a dplyr function
(and not use the deprecated SE_ functions) or is there
2) some way to feed a list of unquoted strings through an lapply or map

I have used the Programming in Dplyr vignette to construct what I believe is a function most in line with the current standard for working with the NSE.

The sample data:

sample_data <- 
               1 rev-24985629     30  FY18           S          Check            Mail     25,50
               2 rev-22812413      1  FY16           Q          Other      Canvassing   0.01,10
               3 rev-23508794    100  FY17           Q    Credit_card             Web   100,250
               4 rev-23506121    300  FY17           S    Credit_card            Mail   250,500
               5 rev-23550444    100  FY17           S    Credit_card             Web   100,250
               6 rev-21508672     25  FY14           J          Check            Mail     25,50
               7 rev-24981769    500  FY18           S    Credit_card             Web 500,1e+03
               8 rev-23503684     50  FY17           R          Check            Mail     50,75
               9 rev-24982087     25  FY18           R          Check            Mail     25,50
               10 rev-24979834     50  FY18           R    Credit_card             Web    50,75
                      ", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

A report generating function

report <- function(report_cat){
    report_cat <- enquo(report_cat)
    sample_data %>%
    group_by(!!report_cat, YEAR) %>%
    summarize(num=n(),total=sum(AMOUNT)) %>% 
    rename(REPORT_VALUE = !!report_cat) %>% 
    mutate(REPORT_CATEGORY := as.character(quote(!!report_cat))[2])

Which works fine for generating a single report:

> report(REPORT_CODE)
# A tibble: 7 x 5
# Groups:   REPORT_VALUE [4]
         <chr> <chr> <int> <int>           <chr>
1            J  FY14     1    25     REPORT_CODE
2            Q  FY16     1     1     REPORT_CODE
3            Q  FY17     1   100     REPORT_CODE
4            R  FY17     1    50     REPORT_CODE
5            R  FY18     2    75     REPORT_CODE
6            S  FY17     2   400     REPORT_CODE
7            S  FY18     2   530     REPORT_CODE

It is when I try and set up a list of all 4 of the reports to generate, that everything breaks down. (Though admittedly the code required in that last line of the function - to return a string with which to then fill the column - should be clue enough that I have wandered off in the wrong direction.)

#the other reports

# Applying and Mapping attempts 
lapply(cat.list, report)
map_df(cat.list, report)

Which results in:

> lapply(cat.list, report)  
 Error in (function (x, strict = TRUE)  : 
  the argument has already been evaluated  

> map_df(cat.list, report)
 Error in (function (x, strict = TRUE)  : 
  the argument has already been evaluated

I have also tried to convert the list of strings to names before handing it over to apply and map:

cat.names <- lapply(cat.list, sym)
lapply(cat.names, report)
map_df(cat.names, report)
> lapply(cat.names, report)
 Error in (function (x, strict = TRUE)  : 
  the argument has already been evaluated 
> map_df(cat.names, report)
 Error in (function (x, strict = TRUE)  : 
  the argument has already been evaluated

In any case, the reason I am asking this question is that I think that I have written the function to the currently documented standards, but ultimately I can then see no way to utilize a member of the apply or even of the purrr::map family with such a function. Short of rewriting the function to use names like useR has done here https://stackoverflow.com/a/47316151/5088194 is there a way to get this function to work with apply or map?

I am hoping to see this as a result:

# A tibble: 27 x 5
# Groups:   REPORT_VALUE [16]
          <chr> <chr> <int> <int>           <chr>
 1            J  FY14     1    25     REPORT_CODE
 2            Q  FY16     1     1     REPORT_CODE
 3            Q  FY17     1   100     REPORT_CODE
 4            R  FY17     1    50     REPORT_CODE
 5            R  FY18     2    75     REPORT_CODE
 6            S  FY17     2   400     REPORT_CODE
 7            S  FY18     2   530     REPORT_CODE
 8        Check  FY14     1    25  PAYMENT_METHOD
 9        Check  FY17     1    50  PAYMENT_METHOD
10        Check  FY18     2    55  PAYMENT_METHOD
# ... with 17 more rows

Upvotes: 10

Views: 1917

Answers (3)

G. Grothendieck
G. Grothendieck

Reputation: 269526

as.name will convert a string to a name and that can be passed to report:

lapply(cat.list, function(x) do.call("report", list(as.name(x))))

character argument An alternative is to rewrite report so that it accepts a character string argument:

report_ch <- function(colname) {  
    report_cat <- rlang::sym(colname)   # as.name(colname) would also work here
    sample_data %>%
                group_by(!!report_cat, YEAR) %>%
                summarize(num = n(), total = sum(AMOUNT)) %>% 
                rename(REPORT_VALUE = !!report_cat) %>% 
                mutate(REPORT_CATEGORY = colname)

lapply(cat.list, report_ch)

wrapr An alternate approach is to rewrite report using the wrapr package which is an alternative to rlang/tidyeval:


report_wrapr <- function(colname) 
  let(c(COLNAME = colname),
      sample_data %>%
                  group_by(COLNAME, YEAR) %>%
                  summarize(num = n(), total = sum(AMOUNT)) %>%
                  rename(REPORT_VALUE = COLNAME) %>%
                  mutate(REPORT_CATEGORY = colname)

lapply(cat.list, report_wrapr)

Of course, this whole problem would go away if you used a different framework, e.g.



report_plyr <- function(colname)
  ddply(sample_data, c(REPORT_VALUE = colname, "YEAR"), function(x)
     data.frame(num = nrow(x), total = sum(x$AMOUNT), REPORT_CATEOGRY = colname))

lapply(cat.list, report_plyr)



report_sql <- function(colname, envir = parent.frame(), ...)
  fn$sqldf("select [$colname] REPORT_VALUE,
                   count(*) num,
                   sum(AMOUNT) total,
                   '$colname' REPORT_CATEGORY
            from sample_data
            group by [$colname], YEAR", envir = envir, ...)

lapply(cat.list, report_sql)              

base - by

report_base_by <- function(colname)
        by(sample_data, sample_data[c(colname, "YEAR")], function(x)
            data.frame(REPORT_VALUE = x[1, colname], 
                       YEAR = x$YEAR[1], 
                       num = nrow(x), 
                       total = sum(x$AMOUNT), 
                       REPORT_CATEGORY = colname)

lapply(cat.list, report_base_by)

data.table The data.table package provides another alternative but that has already been covered by another answer.

Update: Added additional alternatives.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 18681

Let me first point out that in your initial report function, you can use quo_name to convert the quosure into a string, which you can then use in mutate like the following:


report <- function(report_cat){
  report_cat <- enquo(report_cat)

  sample_data %>%
    group_by(!!report_cat, YEAR) %>%
    summarize(num=n(),total=sum(AMOUNT)) %>%
    rename(REPORT_VALUE = !!report_cat) %>%
    mutate(REPORT_CATEGORY = quo_name(report_cat))


Now, to address your question of "how to feed a list of unquoted strings through lapply or map to make it work inside dplyr functions", I propose two ways of doing it.

1. Use rlang::sym to parse your strings and unquote it when feeding into lapply or map



map_df(cat.list, ~report(!!sym(.)))    

or with syms you can parse all elements of a vector at once:

map_df(syms(cat.list), ~report(!!.))


# A tibble: 27 x 5
# Groups:   REPORT_VALUE [16]
          <chr> <chr> <int> <int>           <chr>
 1            J  FY14     1    25     REPORT_CODE
 2            Q  FY16     1     1     REPORT_CODE
 3            Q  FY17     1   100     REPORT_CODE
 4            R  FY17     1    50     REPORT_CODE
 5            R  FY18     2    75     REPORT_CODE
 6            S  FY17     2   400     REPORT_CODE
 7            S  FY18     2   530     REPORT_CODE
 8        Check  FY14     1    25  PAYMENT_METHOD
 9        Check  FY17     1    50  PAYMENT_METHOD
10        Check  FY18     2    55  PAYMENT_METHOD
# ... with 17 more rows 

2. Rewrite your report function by placing lapply or map inside so that report can do NSE

report <- function(...){
  report_cat <- quos(...)

  map_df(report_cat, function(x) sample_data %>%
             group_by(!!x, YEAR) %>%
             summarize(num=n(),total=sum(AMOUNT)) %>%
             rename(REPORT_VALUE = !!x) %>%
             mutate(REPORT_CATEGORY = quo_name(x)))

By placing map_df inside report, you can take advantage of quos, which converts ... to list of quosures. They are then fed into map_df and unquoted one by one using !!.


Another advantage of writing it like this is that you can also supply a vector of string symbols and splice them using !!! like the following:



# A tibble: 27 x 5
# Groups:   REPORT_VALUE [16]
          <chr> <chr> <int> <int>           <chr>
 1            J  FY14     1    25     REPORT_CODE
 2            Q  FY16     1     1     REPORT_CODE
 3            Q  FY17     1   100     REPORT_CODE
 4            R  FY17     1    50     REPORT_CODE
 5            R  FY18     2    75     REPORT_CODE
 6            S  FY17     2   400     REPORT_CODE
 7            S  FY18     2   530     REPORT_CODE
 8        Check  FY14     1    25  PAYMENT_METHOD
 9        Check  FY17     1    50  PAYMENT_METHOD
10        Check  FY18     2    55  PAYMENT_METHOD
# ... with 17 more rows

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 31452

I'm not really a dplyr afficionado, but for what its worth here is how you could achieve this using library(data.table) instead:


gen_report <- function(report_cat){
  sample_data[ , .(num = .N, total = sum(AMOUNT), REPORT_CATEGORY = report_cat), 
               by = .(REPORT_VALUE = get(report_cat), YEAR)] 

lapply(cat.list, gen_report)

Upvotes: 2

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