Reputation: 317
Trying to get my head around this dplyr
thingy. I have a sorted data frame that I want to group based on a variable. However, the groups need to be constructed so that each of them have a minimum sum of 30 on the grouping variable.
Consider this small example data frame:
df1 <- matrix(data = c(05,0.9,95,12,0.8,31,
ncol = 3,
byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c(1:9),
c('freq', 'mean', 'count')
Now, I want to group so that count
have a sum of at least 30. freq
and mean
should then be collapsed into a weighted.mean
where the weights is the count
values. Note that the last "bin" reaches a sum of 32 by row 7, but since row 8:9 only sums to 2, I add them to the last "bin".
Like so:
freq mean count
5.00 0.90 95
12.00 0.80 31
16.26 0.77 38
45.18 0.61 34
The simple summarizing with dplyr
is not a problem, but this I can't figure out. I do think the the solution is hidden somewhere here:
Dynamic Grouping in R | Grouping based on condition on applied function
But how to apply it to my situation escapes me.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 543
Reputation: 47350
I wish I had a shorter solution but here is what I came up with.
First we define a custom cumsum function :
cumsum2 <- function(x){
if(tail(.x,1)>30) x1 <- 0 else x1 <- tail(.x,1) ;c(.x,x1+.y)},x,0)[-1]
# cumsum2(1:10)
# [1] 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 9 19
Then we can have fun with the dplyr
chain :
df1 %>% %>% # as you started with a matrix
mutate(id = row_number(), # we'll need this to sort in the end
cumcount = cumsum2(count)) %>% # adding nex cumulate count
`[<-`(.$cumcount < 30,"cumcount",NA) %>% # setting as NA values less than 30 ...
fill(cumcount,.direction = "up") %>% # ... in order to fill them with cumcount
fill(cumcount,.direction = "down") %>% # the last NAs belong to the last group so we fill down too
group_by(cumcount) %>% # these are our new groups to aggregate freq and mean
summarize(id = min(id),
freq = sum(freq*count)/sum(count),
mean = sum(mean*count)/sum(count)) %>%
arrange(id) %>% # sort
select(freq,mean,count=cumcount) # and lay out as expected output
# # A tibble: 4 x 3
# freq mean count
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 5.00000 0.9000000 95
# 2 12.00000 0.8000000 31
# 3 16.26316 0.7736842 38
# 4 45.17647 0.6117647 32
Upvotes: 2