
Reputation: 831

Firebase .queryStarting not working (Swift)

This just isn't returning anything even though there are messages with timestamps above this one.

Code not properly sorting:

let messagesRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("all-messages").child(messageId).queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp").queryStarting(atValue: 1511130644)

Full code of Firebase calls:

FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("users").child(currentUserUid).child("timestampOfLastVisit").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in

        timestamp = snapshot.value as! NSNumber

        groupMessagesRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("groups").child(groupId).child("messages")
        groupMessagesRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in

            if self.sentMessage {
                let messageId = snapshot.key

                let messagesRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("all-messages").child(messageId).queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp").queryStarting(atValue: 1511130644)
                messagesRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in ...

Relevant Firebase JSON (fake data obviously):

  "all-messages" : {
    "-KzLOuvEdLWy7vfc2XsT" : {
      "fromId" : "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1",
      "groupId" : "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL",
      "isStarred" : true,
      "text" : "This should show",
      "timestamp" : 1511130640
    "-KzLOw5OxZ4P_I0d70gZ" : {
      "fromId" : "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1",
      "groupId" : "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL",
      "isStarred" : false,
      "text" : "And so should this",
      "timestamp" : 1511130644
    "-KzLS4uwDtpW6wHNxrmc" : {
      "fromId" : "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1",
      "groupId" : "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL",
      "isStarred" : false,
      "text" : "1",
      "timestamp" : 1511131471
    "-KzLS5FvASnj_ky4WQkd" : {
      "fromId" : "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1",
      "groupId" : "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL",
      "isStarred" : false,
      "text" : "2",
      "timestamp" : 1511131472
  "groups" : {
    "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL" : {
      "groupCreator" : "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1",
      "groupDescription" : "Group",
      "groupImageUrl" : "",
      "groupMemberOneSignalIds" : {
        "5905a2f5-dfa3-46d7-964f-596bd2f2004a" : true,
        "67b9cb2a-6583-45b4-9fed-93cf333e9ca4" : true,
        "a1bf9ed9-0959-4c88-974b-5a829c1cdcc9" : true,
        "f2fb84b9-86af-40e7-8667-989a95b2e282" : true
      "groupMembers" : {
        "3lQiuzudFGW51UwQ4Mseu8aOxyu2" : true,
        "JF7SCe3VUcWJi1ujumx0VpyaG5s1" : true,
        "YEbVehx0cqTvNaKrJTcs5GnRLGM2" : true,
        "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1" : true
      "groupName" : "1",
      "groupTags" : {
        "-Kxk3kHxMuWQHEsaWN5k" : "1",
        "-Kxk3kHyMB2OL5pNAfW1" : "1",
        "-Kxk3kHyMB2OL5pNAfW2" : "1"
      "messages" : {
        "-KzLOuvEdLWy7vfc2XsT" : 1,
        "-KzLOw5OxZ4P_I0d70gZ" : 1,
        "-KzLS4uwDtpW6wHNxrmc" : 1,
        "-KzLS5FvASnj_ky4WQkd" : 1
      "starredMessages" : {
        "-KzLOuvEdLWy7vfc2XsT" : 1511204335
    "-Kxn_yTAZvkPls-_s8He" : {
      "groupCreator" : "JF7SCe3VUcWJi1ujumx0VpyaG5s1",
      "groupDescription" : "Group 3",
      "groupImageUrl" : "",
      "groupName" : "Group 3",
      "groupTags" : {
        "-Kxn_ygovR7mQIph3WiC" : "1",
        "-Kxn_ygovR7mQIph3WiD" : "1"
  "users" : {
    "JF7SCe3VUcWJi1ujumx0VpyaG5s1" : {
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "groups" : {
        "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL" : true,
        "-Kxk3n99i43MYECm1Ix8" : true,
        "-KxuBPAPBIcROMEtNujW" : true,
        "-KxuET1pZGg2x_aJvRkU" : true
      "profileImageURL" : "",
      "searchUsername" : "madi",
      "timestampOfLastVisit" : 1511241228,
      "username" : "Madi"
    "zhBZyAVGvAMZWi4QhvKDu7qb3Qr1" : {
      "email" : "[email protected]",
      "groups" : {
        "-Kxk3kA9I8OEvNmFcavL" : true,
        "-Kxk3n99i43MYECm1Ix8" : true
      "profileImageURL" : "",
      "searchUsername" : "connor",
      "timestampOfLastVisit" : 1511205356,
      "username" : "Connor"

What print(snapshot) prints:

Snap (-KzLOw5OxZ4P_I0d70gZ) <null>


(/all-messages/-KzLOw5OxZ4P_I0d70gZ {
    i = timestamp;
    sp = 1511130644;

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1328

Answers (2)


Reputation: 35677

The goal is to create a query that will return the node that has a particular time stamp.

The problem is your code is querying one level too deep. In other words, you need to let Firebase iterate over the child nodes of all-messages until it finds one that has a child timestamp of 1511130644. So it will need to iterate over



Your code is trying to be too specific and you are telling it to look at a particular message Id for the data in the query - which doesn't make sense as if you know the exact path, you wouldn't need to query!

This is a common misunderstanding - just remember that queries need to be provided the parent node and then the child node of what you are querying for as it will then iterate over the child_nodes just underneath the parent.


Here is code to query for a certain time stamp - note the messageId is not needed

//self.ref is the firebase ref
let messagesRef = self.ref.child("all-messages").queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp")
                                                .queryStarting(atValue: 1511130644)
messagesRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
    if snapshot.hasChildren() {
        print("got snap with children")
    } else {
        print("no snap found")

If you already know the specific path you can observe it directly. So if you want to print the timestamp for a certain message

let thisMsgRef = self.ref.child("all-messages").child(messageId)
let thisTimestampRef = thisMsgRef.child("timestamp")
thisTimestampRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { snapshot in
    print(snap.value) //prints the timestamp

Upvotes: 1

Frank van Puffelen
Frank van Puffelen

Reputation: 600130

The second argument to queryStartingAtValue() is only used to disambiguate between items that match the first argument. To filter by timestamp you should call queryOrderedByChild("timestamp"):

let messagesRef = 
             .queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp")
             .queryStarting(atValue: 1511130644)

Upvotes: 0

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