Reputation: 367
I'm getting an error with TukeyHSD after running a seemingly simple ANOVA.
My data structure is in the following example format, with a total of 5 groups in my actual data:
Group 1 2
Group 1 3
Group 1 5
Group 2 1
Group 2 7
Group 2 8
Results below are from * actual output from my data, not from example above *
as.factor(Etiologies) Residuals
Sum of Squares 37.85416 110.45051
Deg. of Freedom 5 81
Residual standard error: 1.167727
Estimated effects may be unbalanced
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
as.factor(Etiologies) 5 37.85 7.571 5.552 0.00019 ***
Residuals 81 110.45 1.364
Then when I run Tukey HSD I get the following error
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : subscript out of bounds
The error traceback:
8. lapply(args, "[[", "coefficients")
7. combine_mtables(...)
6. c.mtable(`Grand mean` = gmtable, tables)
5. c(`Grand mean` = gmtable, tables)
4. model.tables.aov(x, "means")
3. model.tables(x, "means")
2. TukeyHSD.aov(ANOVA_finalVA_all)
1. TukeyHSD(ANOVA_finalVA_all)
Something I guess is wrong with the "coefficients"? Here is the coefficients produced from the ANOVA table
(Intercept) Anova_VA_atFinal$EtiologiesA Anova_VA_atFinal$EtiologiesB
1.73910734 -0.78246714 1.26089266
Anova_VA_atFinal$EtiologiesC Anova_VA_atFinal$EtiologiesD Anova_VA_atFinal$EtiologiesE
0.07053282 0.07662614 1.09099566
From what I can tell this seems like normal ANOVA behavior, and I have ensured that my Group variables are factors. I cannot seem to figure out why I am getting this error despite a normal ANOVA result. Any help in troubleshooting this error would be greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 466
Reputation: 367
The problem lies with the package memisc, detach package before use and this error can be avoided.
Upvotes: 2