Reputation: 2678
Here is the picture in grayscale mode:
if I apply a Thresholding and set threshold to 0. According to my understanding, the thesholded image will be mostly white. but the result is opposite.
Result is:
I also tried this:
build a image and set all pixel to 255. then apply the 0 threshold thresholding, the returned image is all 255.
The question is: in the picture is mostly zero (black) after apply thresholding.
Here are the code:
IplImage* g_image = NULL;
IplImage* g_gray = NULL;
int g_thresh = 100;
CvMemStorage* g_storage = NULL;
void on_tracker(int){
if(g_storage == NULL){
g_gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(g_image), 8, 1);
g_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
CvSeq* contours = 0;
cvCvtColor(g_image, g_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvShowImage("Gray", g_gray);
cvThreshold(g_gray, g_gray, g_thresh, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
cvFindContours(g_gray, g_storage, &contours);
cvShowImage("Contours", g_gray);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
if( argc !=2 || !(g_image = cvLoadImage(argv[1]))){
return -1;
cvNamedWindow("Contours", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
return 0;
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Views: 240
Reputation: 2678
Accoring to @Miki's comments. this is caused by C API. I tried the same process with python API. the result is normal: if I do thresholding with 0 threshold, most of pixel will be set to 255.
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Reputation: 99
The basic Thresholding is to check the pixels value (say from 0 to 255) to be above the Threshold value and to assign to the pixel a value of maximum value (high intensity: black) this called Binary Thresholding. In your case, when setting a value of 0 to the threshold, you actually filtering all your pixels since all of them (the low intensities and the higher intensities) have values above zero (0).
Maybe you would like to make a brighter picture - in this case use Inverted Binary Thresholding: in this case, you will get white picture when value is 0.
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Reputation: 1669
Have a read of the different types of thresholding available to you in the documentation.
Starting with a 1D 'image' with a range of values (the black line) and threshold (the blue line):
...we can visualise the outcome of the different modes:
Threshold Binary
Threshold Binary Inverted
Threshold to Zero
Threshold to Zero Inverted
Please update your question with your code so we know what mode you're using if this answer doesn't help already ;)
Upvotes: 1