Reputation: 153
I have been using this script to extract and delete archives but it's not handling archives named .part##.rar correctly for some reason. What am I doing wrong?
for /r %%r in (*.zip *.7z *.rar *.ace) do 7z x -y "%%r" >nul && del "%%r" && echo unpacked "%%~nxr"
edit: I decided to build this into a separate script that handles all archives in a single folder %1
cd /d "%~1" || echo no valid directory defined && exit /b
attrib -s -h *.* >nul
dir *.rar *.zip *.7z *.ace >nul 2>nul || exit /b
for %%r in (*.zip.001 *.7z.001 *.tar.001) do (
7z x -y "%%r" >nul && recycle -f "%%r" && echo unpacked "%%~nxr"
if exist "%%r" echo unpack failed, maybe the disk is full? && exit /b
recycle -f "%%~dpn.???" && echo multipart archives "%%~dpn.???" recycled
for %%r in (*.part1.rar *.part01.rar *.part001.rar) do (
7z x -y "%%r" >nul && recycle -f "%%r" && echo unpacked "%%~nxr"
if exist "%%r" echo unpack failed, maybe the disk is full? && exit /b
rem need a way to delete multipart volumes here
for %%r in (*.rar *.zip *.7z *.ace *.tar) do (
7z x -y "%%r" >nul && recycle -f "%%r" && echo unpacked "%%~nxr"
if exist "%%r" echo unpack failed, maybe the disk is full? && exit /b
if /i "%%~xr"==".rar" if exist "%%~dpnr.r00" recycle -f "%%~dpnr.r??" && echo multipart archives "%%~dpn.r??" recycled
goto security
I need help with deleting the remaining files in the middle stack.
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Views: 987
Reputation: 4209
For your second code with expanded loops, here is how to delete the partial .rar
archives (loop 2):
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%R in (*.part1.rar *.part01.rar *.part001.rar) do (
REM notice uppercase R used!
REM process first archive "name.part01.rar" posted
REM now delete all partial archives of this name
REM isolate archive name
for %%F in ("%%~nR") do set "files=%%~nF"
if exist "!files!.part*.rar" ECHO del /Q "!files!.part*.rar"
As usual please test this and then remove the ECHO
1- in your first loop (handling .zip.001
etc.), you need to use %%dpnr
instead of %%dpn
. Using uppercase loop variables help spotting this kind of error (%R
instead of %r
2- dir *.rar *.zip *.7z *.ace >nul 2>nul || exit /b
should be dir *.rar *.zip *.7z *.ace *.tar >nul 2>nul || exit /b
to check for tarfiles as well.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4209
This will attempt to narrow down the exception as much as possible to the pattern used, using a Regular Expression:
for /F %%f in ('dir /b /a-d *.zip *.7z *.rar *.ace ^|findstr /REIV /C:"\.part[0-9][0-9]*\.rar"') do @(7z x -y "%%f" >nul && del "%%f" && echo unpacked "%%~nxf")
Upvotes: 0