Reputation: 85
How can I check the space left on a drive and if it is less than 1GB to output a message using SAS. I only have a code that checks the SAS file size.
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Views: 6610
Reputation: 1403
I've basically modified the code available in this link according to your requirement. I've also added a bit of code to fix issues faced due to quotes and the pipe command. Basically you should let SAS deal with quotes before passing on the code.
%macro windows_bytes_free(sm_path);
%global mv_bytes_free;
%let mv_bytes_free = -1; /* In case of error */
%let filepath = %sysfunc(quote(%qsysfunc(dequote(&sm_path)))); /* To prevent issues with quotes remove quotes if present and apply it again*/
/* Run the DIR command and retrieve results using an unnamed pipe */
filename tempdir pipe %sysfunc(quote(dir /-c &filepath | find "bytes free")) ;
data _null_;
infile tempdir length=reclen ;
input line $varying1024. reclen ;
re = prxparse('/([0-9]+) bytes/'); /* Parse the output of DIR using a Perl regular expression */
if prxmatch(re, line) then do;
bytes_str = prxposn(re, 1, line);
bytes = input(bytes_str, 20.);
call symput('mv_bytes_free', bytes); /* Assign available disk space in bytes to a global macro variable */
kb = bytes /1024;
mb = kb / 1024;
gb = mb / 1024;
format bytes comma20.0;
format kb mb gb comma20.1;
/* Write a note to the SAS log */
put "NOTE: &sm_path " bytes= kb= mb= gb=;
if gb<1 then put '** Available space is less than 1 gb';
else put '** Enough space is available';
%if &mv_bytes_free eq -1 %then %put ERROR: error in windows_bytes_free macro;
An example of how to use this macro for the C: drive
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 27508
Presuming you are running SAS on a Windows platform -- Piping wmic
command output into SAS can deliver vast amounts of information about the system, including the freespace on the disks.
WMIC - Using Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line;;
%let csvdata = %sysfunc(pathname(work))\wmic_output.csv;
filename wmic_csv "&csvdata" encoding="utf-16";
filename gather pipe "wmic logicaldisk get name,size,freespace /format:csv";
* process the wmic command and strip off blank first row and extraneous CR character at end of line;
data _null_;
infile gather;
if _n_ > 1;
_infile_ = compress(_infile_, '0d'x);
file wmic_csv;
put _infile_;
proc import replace out=diskinfo file=wmic_csv dbms=csv;
data _null_;
set diskinfo;
if freespace < 1e9 then put "WARNING: " name "has remaining" freespace=;
wmic can also export it's information in XML format -- the output is more complicated but extremely capable. This sample code uses SAS' xmlv2
engine and the automap=
* WMIC - Using Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line;
%let xmldata = %sysfunc(pathname(work))\wmic_output.xml;
%let xmlautomap = %sysfunc(pathname(work))\wmic_output-automap.xml;
%let xmlmap = %sysfunc(pathname(work))\wmic_output-map.xml;
filename wmic "&xmldata" encoding="utf-16";
filename wmicmap "&xmlmap";
filename gather pipe "wmic logicaldisk get name,size,freespace /format:rawxml > ""&xmldata""";
data _null_;
infile gather;
put _infile_;
rc = sleep(.1,1);
libname wmic xmlv2 automap=replace xmlmap=wmicmap;
proc copy in=wmic out=work;
proc transpose out=properties(drop=_name_) suffix=_text;
by instance_ordinal;
id property_name;
var value;
filename gather;
filename wmic;
filename wmicmap;
Upvotes: 2