Reputation: 375
I have the below code which creates a dynamic userform based on a list located in an excel worksheet. (Please see picture below)
When the user selects submit I would like to extract all the answers from the user form into an excel file.
Does anyone know how I would do this as I have hit a brick wall in thoughts, the user form to my knowledge has to be built via vba as the list of Project ID & UR can vary from 1 line to thousands of lines.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Sub addLabel()
UserForm6.Show vbModeless
Dim theLabel As Object
Dim ComboBox1 As Object
Dim CommandApp As Object
Dim CommandCan As Object
Dim buttonheight As Long
Dim labelCounter As Long
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
If c.Value = "" Then Exit For
Set theLabel = UserForm6.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
With theLabel
.Caption = c
.Left = 10
.Width = 50
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 34
.Top = 25 + (20 * (c.Row - 1)) + 9
End If
End With
Set ComboBox1 = UserForm6.Controls.Add("Forms.combobox.1", "Test" & c, True)
With ComboBox1
.AddItem "Approved"
.AddItem "Partially Approved"
.AddItem "Not Approved"
.Left = 190
.Width = 120
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 30
.Top = 30 + (20 * (c.Row - 1))
buttonheight = 30 + (20 * (c.Row - 1))
End If
End With
Next c
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B100")
If c.Value = "" Then Exit For
Set theLabel = UserForm6.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
With theLabel
.Caption = c
.Left = 90
.Width = 70
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 34
.Top = 25 + (20 * (c.Row - 1)) + 9
End If
End With
Next c
With UserForm6
.Width = 340
.Height = buttonheight + 90
End With
Set CommandApp = UserForm6.Controls.Add("Forms.Commandbutton.1", "Test" & c, True)
With CommandApp
.Caption = "Submit"
.Left = 10
.Width = 140
.Font.Size = 10
.Top = buttonheight + 30
End With
Set CommandCan = UserForm6.Controls.Add("Forms.Commandbutton.1", "Test" & c, True)
With CommandCan
.Caption = "Cancel"
.Left = 170
.Width = 140
.Font.Size = 10
.Top = buttonheight + 30
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1185
You will need create variables to hold references to the newly created CommandButtons. By adding the WithEvents
modifier you will be able to receive the CommandButton events.
Naming the controls after cell values is problematic. A better solution is to use the MSForms Control Tag property to hold your references. In my example below I add a qualified reference to the target cell.
Changed the subroutines name from addLabel to something more meaningful Show_UserForm6.
Combobox values as they are added.
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents CommandApp As MSForms.CommandButton
Public WithEvents CommandCan As MSForms.CommandButton
Private Sub CommandApp_Click()
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "ComboBox" Then
Range(ctrl.Tag).Value = ctrl.Value
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandCan_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub Show_UserForm6()
Const PaddingTop = 34, Left1 = 10, Left2 = 90, Left3 = 190
Dim c As Range
Dim Top As Single
Top = 34
With UserForm6
.Show vbModeless
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
If c.Value = "" Then Exit For
With getNewControl(.Controls, "Forms.Label.1", Left1, 50, 20, Top)
.Caption = c.Value
.Tag = "'" & c.Parent.Name & "'!" & c.Address
End With
With getNewControl(.Controls, "Forms.Label.1", Left2, 50, 20, Top)
.Caption = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
.Tag = "'" & c.Parent.Name & "'!" & c.Offset(0, 2).Address
End With
With getNewControl(.Controls, "Forms.ComboBox.1", Left3, 120, 20, Top)
.List = Array("Approved", "Partially Approved", "Not Approved")
.Tag = "'" & c.Parent.Name & "'!" & c.Offset(0, 2).Address
.Value = c.Offset(0, 2).Value
End With
Top = Top + 20
Set .CommandApp = getNewControl(.Controls, "Forms.Commandbutton.1", 10, 140, 20, Top + 10)
With .CommandApp
.Caption = "Submit"
End With
Set .CommandCan = getNewControl(.Controls, "Forms.Commandbutton.1", 170, 140, 20, Top + 10)
With .CommandCan
.Caption = "Cancel"
End With
End With
End Sub
Function getNewControl(Controls As MSForms.Controls, ProgID As String, Left As Single, Width As Single, Height As Single, Top As Single) As MSForms.Control
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
Set ctrl = Controls.Add(ProgID)
With ctrl
.Left = Left
.Width = Width
.Font.Size = 10
.Top = Top
End With
Set getNewControl = ctrl
End Function
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 19737
Generally I'd set up classes and collections to hold references to your new controls.
It can work with your current set up though. First off I'll suggest an aesthetic change:
property to 2 - fmScrollBarsVertical
.In your code:
Add a new variable
Dim fme As Frame
Set fme = UserForm6.Frame1
Update your references to UserForm6
so they reference fme
instead when you add the labels and combobox:
Set theLabel = fme.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
Set ComboBox1 = fme.Controls.Add("Forms.combobox.1", "Test" & c, True)
Set theLabel = fme.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
Outside your final loop add this line of code (you may have to play around with the maths to get the correct scroll height):
fme.ScrollHeight = buttonheight + 90
Remove the code that adds the two command buttons (as they're now static outside of the frame).
Now your whole form should sit on the page and you can scroll through the controls.
Double-click your command button to add a Click
event to it:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim x As Long
For Each ctrl In Me.Frame1.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "ComboBox" Then
x = x + 1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(x, 1) = ctrl.Value
End If
Next ctrl
End Sub
The code will go through each combobox on the form and copy the selected value to Sheet2 in the workbook.
All the code incorporating the changes I made.
Sub addLabel()
UserForm6.Show vbModeless
Dim theLabel As Object
Dim ComboBox1 As Object
Dim CommandApp As Object
Dim CommandCan As Object
Dim buttonheight As Long
Dim fme As Frame
Dim c As Variant
Dim labelCounter As Long
Set fme = UserForm6.Frame1
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
If c.Value = "" Then Exit For
Set theLabel = fme.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
With theLabel
.Caption = c
.Left = 10
.Width = 50
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 34
.Top = 25 + (20 * (c.Row - 1)) + 9
End If
End With
Set ComboBox1 = fme.Controls.Add("Forms.combobox.1", "Test" & c, True)
With ComboBox1
.AddItem "Approved"
.AddItem "Partially Approved"
.AddItem "Not Approved"
.Left = 190
.Width = 120
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 30
.Top = 30 + (20 * (c.Row - 1))
buttonheight = 30 + (20 * (c.Row - 1))
End If
End With
Next c
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B100")
If c.Value = "" Then Exit For
Set theLabel = fme.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Test" & c, True)
With theLabel
.Caption = c
.Left = 90
.Width = 70
.Height = 20
.Font.Size = 10
If c.Row = 1 Then
.Top = 34
.Top = 25 + (20 * (c.Row - 1)) + 9
End If
End With
Next c
fme.ScrollHeight = buttonheight + 90
End Sub
Upvotes: 3