Reputation: 25
I'm trying to connect my Beacons to the Gattservice. In the Callback onConnectionStateChange, It's always failing and im getting the
statuscodes 133 and 257.
Somehwere was written that 133 stands for to many connections. In my code there are lines with gatt.disconnect(). I don't know how to fix it, because all other gattexamples are the same. I'm working with the Android 6.0.1 Version and the API 23, if it's important to find the error. Here's my code:
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
if(status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
switch (newState) {
case BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED:
Log.i("Beacons", "STATE_CONNECTED");
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
case BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED:
Log.e("Beacons", "STATE_DISCONNECTED");
mBluetoothGatt = null;
Log.e("Beacons", "STATE_OTHER");
} else {
Log.e("Beacons", "ERROR WITH CONNECTING " + status);
My ScanCallback looks like this:
public void onScanResult(int callbackType, ScanResult result) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
BluetoothDevice btDevice = result.getDevice();
And starting connection like this:
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mBluetoothGatt = btDevice.connectGatt(getApplicationContext(), true, connectCallback);
The connectCallback causes then onConnectionStateChange function. Thank you for your help!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 12188
Reputation: 146
I had to specify the transport parameter in the call to fix this. It's an optional 4th paramater to specify it's a BLE device.
mBluetoothGatt = device.connectGatt(this, false, mGattCallback, 2);
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 18452
133 is a generic error and means nothing at all except that the connection failed. It can mean many different things. You need to look at Logcat and figure out why it didn't connect or the hci snoop log.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 64941
On some Android devices, I see a 133 error on connect if the Android phone has not been paired (bonded) with the peripheral before. If I go to Settings -> Bluetooth at the same time as the app is trying to connect in the background, the connection works. (Strangely, you do not need to do anything on the screen, it just needs to be up.) Once this succeeds the first time, the error is gone forever.
I'm guessing this is a security restriction, but I have not figured the proper way to elegantly address it.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 6981
try this:For start scan:
private void scanLeDevice(final boolean enable) {
if (enable) {
ParcelUuid uuid = ParcelUuid.fromString("Your Beacon Service UUID");
ScanFilter scanFilter = new ScanFilter.Builder().setServiceUuid(uuid).build();
ScanSettings settings = new ScanSettings.Builder()
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
} else {
mLEScanner.startScan(Collections.singletonList(scanFilter), settings, mScanCallback);
} else {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21) {
} else {
For scanCallBack
private ScanCallback mScanCallback = new ScanCallback() {
public void onScanResult(int callbackType, ScanResult result) {
Log.i("callbackType", String.valueOf(callbackType));
Log.i("result", result.toString());
BluetoothDevice btDevice = result.getDevice();
public void onBatchScanResults(List<ScanResult> results) {
for (ScanResult sr : results) {
Log.i("ScanResult - Results", sr.toString());
public void onScanFailed(int errorCode) {
Log.e("Scan Failed", "Error Code: " + errorCode);
private BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback mLeScanCallback =
new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, int rssi,
byte[] scanRecord) {
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Log.i("onLeScan", device.toString());
Connect the device
public void connectToDevice(BluetoothDevice device) {
if (mGatt == null) {
mGatt = device.connectGatt(this, false, gattCallback);
scanLeDevice(false);// will stop after first device detection
private final BluetoothGattCallback gattCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
Log.i("onConnectionStateChange", "Status: " + status);
switch (newState) {
case BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED:
Log.i("gattCallback", "STATE_CONNECTED");
case BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED:
Log.e("gattCallback", "STATE_DISCONNECTED");
Log.e("gattCallback", "STATE_OTHER");
Then override onServicesDiscovered method.
Upvotes: 0