Reputation: 93
I am performing a paired t test on data of multiple groups and would like to "export" this into a .csv file
Here's the data:
table <- read.table(text=' group M1 M2
Group 1 0.5592884 0.5592884
Group 1 0.3481799 0.3481799
Group 1 0.2113786 0.2113786
Group 1 0.2817871 0.2817871
Group 2 0.2543952 0.2543952
Group 2 0.2016288 0.2016288
Group 2 0.2098503 0.2098503
Group 2 0.1060097 0.1060097
Group 3 0.2405704 0.2405704
Group 3 0.3200119 0.3200119
Group 3 0.2453895 0.2453895
Group 3 1.3107510 1.3107510
Group 4 0.8600338 0.8600338
Group 4 0.5381423 0.5381423
Group 4 0.7348685 0.7348685
Group 4 0.2969512 0.2969512', header=TRUE)
as I don't want to compare M1 to M2 but the groups to each other, I perform the paired t.test as follows:
sig<-lapply(table[2:3], function(x)
pairwise.t.test(x, table$group,
p.adjust.method = "BH"))
However, as the result is a list, I cannot write is in a .csv file with this:
cat('paired t results')
I tried to work around by using capture.output
, but this looses the separation
is there a way to directly write sig
into a csv file or a workouround?
Thank you!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1697
Reputation: 546043
Just use print
after sink
But note that the result is not a CSV file, contrary to what your code says. If you just want to save the p-value table, you could do something like the following:
save_p_values = function (test_data, filename) {
write.csv(test_data$p.value, filename)
Map(save_p_values, sig, paste0(names(sig), '.csv'))
To get both tables in the same file, you need to add a column that distinguishes them; using ‹dplyr›:
sig_combined = sig %>%
# Extract p-value tables
map(`[[`, 'p.value') %>%
# Convert matrix to data.frame so we can work with dplyr
map( %>%
# Preserve rownames by saving them into column:
map(tibble::rownames_to_column, 'Contrast') %>%
# Add name of column that t-test was performed on
map2(names(.), ~ mutate(.x, Col = .y)) %>%
# Merge into one table
write.csv(sig_combined, 'results.csv')
Upvotes: 2