
Reputation: 23

How do I join two lines in PowerShell

I'm trying to get Information about our VMs in Hyper-V via PowerShell.

This is what I got so far:

$Path = 'c:/VM.csv'
"Name,CPUs,Dynamischer Arbeitsspeicher,RAM Maximum (in MB),RAM Minimum (in MB), Size" > $Path
$line1 = Get-VM | %{($_.Name, $_.ProcessorCount, $_.DynamicMemoryEnabled, ($_.MemoryMaximum/1MB), ($_.MemoryMinimum/1MB)) -join ","} 
$line2 = Get-VM –VMName * | Select-Object VMId | Get-VHD | %{$_.FileSize/1GB -join ","} 
$out = $line1+","+ $line2
Write-Output  $out | Out-File $Path -Append 
Import-Csv -Path $Path | Out-GridView

The Problem is that the second object ($line2) should be in the same column as $line1. As you can see, currently the information about the size of the VMs ($line2) is written in rows under the output of $line1. Also the order is wrong.

Any idea what is wrong with my code?

Thanks in advance.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 125

Answers (2)


Reputation: 8899

I think you messed it up a little,

Export-CSV will do the job without the need to manually define the csv structure.

Anyway, regarding your code I think you can improve it a little, (I don't have hyper-v to test this, but I think it should work)

What I've done is create a results array to hold the final data, then using foreach loop i'm iterating the Get-VM Results and creating a row for each VM, at the end of each iteration I'm adding the row to the final results array, so:

$Results = @()
foreach ($VM in (Get-VM))
    $Row = "" | Select Name,CPUs,'Dynamischer Arbeitsspeicher','RAM Maximum (inMB)','RAM Minimum (in MB)',Size
    $Row.Name = $VM.Name
    $Row.CPUs = $VM.ProcessorCount
    $Row.'Dynamischer Arbeitsspeicher' = $VM.DynamicMemoryEnabled
    $Row.'RAM Maximum (inMB)' = $VM.MemoryMaximum/1MB
    $Row.'RAM Minimum (in MB)' = $VM.MemoryMinimum/1MB
    $Total=0; ($VM.VMId | Get-VHD | %{$Total += ($_.FileSize/1GB)})
    $Row.Size = [math]::Round($Total)
    $Results += $Row

$Results | Export-Csv c:\vm.csv -NoTypeInformation

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 23862

This is definitely not the proper way to build an object list, instead you should do something like this:

Get-VM | Select Name, 
    @{Name = "CPUs"; Expression = {$_.ProcessorCount},
    @{Name = "Dynamischer Arbeitsspeicher"; Expression = {$_.DynamicMemoryEnabled},
    @{Name = "RAM Maximum (in MB)"; Expression = {$_.MemoryMaximum/1MB},
    @{Name = "RAM Minimum (in MB)"; Expression = {$_.MemoryMinimum/1MB},
    @{Name = "Size"; Expression = {$_.VMId | Get-VHD | %{$_.FileSize/1GB -join ","}} | 
Export-Csv c:\vm.csv -NoTypeInformation

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