Marx Babu
Marx Babu

Reputation: 760

Plotly: How to show all the stacked y axis data values while hovering for three y layout and one x axis shared graph?

python 3.6 latest plotly used : The python Graph is created using plotly offline/Online function where three different dataframe inputs are used for y axis plotting and x axis are shared (In general it is Date index). The graphs are perfectly fine.

Only active area data on current layout's graph shown for the particular subplot layout, I want all the three layout data display when hovering the mouse in any layout.How to achieve this ?

eq_high = go.Scatter(
                    name = "EQHigh",
                    line = dict(color = '#3EBF06'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    eq_low = go.Scatter(
                    name = "EQLow",
                    line = dict(color = '#FD2D00'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_high_ce = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpHighCE",
                    line = dict(color = '#15655F'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_low_ce = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpLowCE",
                    line = dict(color = '#0D7B7F'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_last_ce = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpLastCE",
                    line = dict(color = '#6AA6A2'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_settlePr_ce = go.Scatter(
                    y=stock_opt_ce['Settle Price'],
                    name = "OpSettlePrCE",
                    line = dict(color = '#2AADD1'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_high_pe = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpHighPE",
                    line = dict(color = '#FA6300'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_low_pe = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpLowPE",
                    line = dict(color = '#AC4C0D'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_last_pe = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpLastPE",
                    line = dict(color = '#E19B6D'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

    op_settlepr_pe = go.Scatter(
                    name = "OpSettlePrPE",
                    line = dict(color = '#A54E1F'),
                    opacity = 0.8)

     data = [eq_high,eq_low,op_high_ce,op_low_ce,op_settlePr_ce,op_high_pe,op_low_pe,op_settlepr_pe]

    #custome Date Range plotting
    layout = dict(
        title = "Graph",
        xaxis = dict(
            range = ['2017-10-1','2017-11-27'])

    fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
    iplot(fig, filename = "CorrelationOfEquityAndOptionData")
    plot(fig,show_link = False)

1.what changes to be made in the above code to show all three layout data values while mouse hovering.currently it shows only one layout graph values.

2.How to show the graph data points on right side or top side or bottom side or left side ,rather than showing the graph data onto the graph.

3.Any better optimized way of doing this.

Expected result:

enter image description here

Upvotes: 11

Views: 10116

Answers (2)

Lekhraj Rojivadiya
Lekhraj Rojivadiya

Reputation: 21

Question 1:

The easiest way is to plot all 3 charts on a single chart by using subplots. Below is basic code to make subplots and obtain all hover information.

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

fig=make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True)

fig.update_layout(hovermode='x unified')

Use the above mentioned parameters along with the others that you might need.

Question 2:

I have been searching a way to reach same outcome but haven't been successful yet.

If you find the answer please let me know.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 61204

This answer has been heavily edited after a brief discussion in the comments

Question 1:

After various attempts it seems that this is not possible at the moment. There is however an issue on github:

They would like hover labels to appear on all traces across all y-axes with shared x-axes. Right now, they only appear in the subplot that you are hovering in.

Question 2:

To alter the way the hoverinfo is displayed, use fig['layout']['hovermode']. The problem here is that your options are limited to one of the following: 'x', 'y', or 'closest'. And if you click the Compare data on hover option, there's no way to set it back to fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'y' without running your code again. You can also change the way information is displayed for each series using fig['data'][ser]['hoverinfo']= 'all'. Here, you can insert multiple options like x or x+y in a list.

enter image description here

Heres an example with some random data:

# imports
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np

# setup

# data
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
y1 = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(50))
y0 = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(50))

# Data
trace0 = go.Scatter(

trace1 = go.Scatter(

# layout
layout = go.Layout(yaxis=dict(range=[-10,10])

# Plot
fig = go.Figure(data=[trace0, trace1], layout=layout)

# Edit hoveroptions
fig['layout']['hovermode'] = 'y'

for ser in range(0,len(fig['data'])):
    fig['data'][ser]['hoverinfo']= 'all'  


Question 3:

Im sorry to say that I don't know any other optimized way to do this.

Upvotes: 2

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