Reputation: 279
I must implement the bubble sort function (the sorting algorithm).
I have already implemented bubblesort
and swap
, a help function for bubblesort
swap([X|T1],[X|T2]):- swap(T1,T2).
bubblesort([],[]) :- !.
bubblesort(T1,T2) :- (bubblesort(swap(T1,T2),T2)).
I get an infinite loop. I must keep the signature of the function:
I'm stuck on this question for 2 hours. Does anyone have an idea how I can do that?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 15997
Reputation: 146
Another version of bubble sort is:
bs(L1,L2) :- true
, ( append(X,[A,B|Y],L1), A > B)
-> ( append(X,[B,A|Y],T), bs(T,L2) )
; L1 = L2
A short test:
?- permutation( [1, 2, 3, 4], L), bs( L, X), writeln( L - X), false.
This works with swi-prolog.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9
write(' '),
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Reputation: 11
bubblesort ( List, SortedList) :-
swap ( List, List1 ), ! ,
bubblesort ( List1, SortedList) .
bubblesort ( List, List).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51
Until there is no change in swap procedure, keep swapping. If there was no change in swap then you have sorted list.
bubblesort ( List, SortedList) :-
swap ( List, List1 ), ! ,
bubblesort ( List1, SortedList) .
bubblesort ( List, List).
swap ( [ X, Y | Rest ], [ Y, X | Rest ] ) :-
X > Y, ! .
swap ( [ Z | Rest ], [ Z | Rest1 ] ) : -
swap (Rest, Rest1 ).
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 11
The problem was caused by recursive querying. When querying bubblesort(T1, T2)
it queries bubblesort(swap(T1, T2), T2)
, then, by second clause of bubblesort/2
bubblesort(swap(swap(T1, T2), T2'), T2)
and T2
is unified as T2
, and then loop.
It never get the first result of swap(T1, T2)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10242
It almost hurts to write something so inefficient:
bubblesort(L, L1) :-
( bubble(L, L2)
-> bubblesort(L2, L1)
; L = L1 ).
bubble([A, B|T], L) :-
( A > B
-> L = [B, A|T]
; L = [A | L1],
bubble([B|T], L1)).
:- bubblesort([2,4,2,3, 2, 6,6,3,1, 11, 2, 3, 1], Out).
Upvotes: 2
The simple bubble sort algorithm is made up of two main loops:
The inner loop (1) can be expressed like this:
% performs a single pass of a bubble-sort on a list
do_bubble_sort([], []).
do_bubble_sort([X], [X]).
do_bubble_sort([X0,X1|Xs], [X0|Rem]) :-
X0 =< X1, !,
do_bubble_sort([X1|Xs], Rem).
do_bubble_sort([X0,X1|Xs], [X1|Rem]) :-
do_bubble_sort([X0|Xs], Rem).
above takes a list, and recursively swaps consecutive elements along the list if they don't satisfy the =<
test (3rd clause). This inner loop is then called by the outer loop predicate, bubble_sort/2
, as shown below:
% repeatedly performs a bubble sort on a list until it is sorted
bubble_sort(L, SL) :-
do_bubble_sort(L, L0),
(sorted_order(L0) ->
SL = L0
; bubble_sort(L0, SL)
This predicate takes the input list and recursively applies do_bubble_sort/2
until the predicate sorted_order/1
succeeds on the result, i.e., if the list is eventually sorted. sorted_order/1
can be defined like this:
% checks a list of things are in sorted (ascending) order
sorted_order([_]) :- !.
sorted_order([X0,X1|R]) :-
X0 =< X1,
This predicate takes a list and recursively checks that each pair of consecutive elements are in sorted order (by way of the =<
test, just as we're using in do_bubble_sort/2
- this is important, otherwise the algorithm mightn't terminate!)
Upvotes: 1