Reputation: 1775
Looking to figure out the proper way to model the below requirements.
This is a small part of a bigger thought but it is creating confusion in expanding the model. I believe it would have to be diagram 2 or some other option since I don't see how a BandMember can be associated with a Band in the first model.
I appreciate any input.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 11949
Reputation: 33818
First a couple of caveats for understanding the limitations. All the data being used or stored needs to be considered/modelled together. Eg. you have found that out anyway in your "creating confusion in expanding the model". From my side, not knowing how the Parties
(subtypes) are related to other entities, limits me from provided a totally correct answer (that will not change).
Since you are providing the data in two tranches, therefore the answer will be in two tranches, and the second tranche will require changes to the first model. Not a complaint, just advising you beforehand, as that could be avoided if I saw all the data up front.
It is really great that you appreciate the need for (a) modelling the data and (b) going through the science (documented for over 30 years) of Conceptual, Logical, then physical. That is exactly what I do. You cannot imagine the time and effort that is saved by the formal process.
It must be mentioned that Relation Modelling is the work of giants in the industry, Dr E F Codd and R Brown in the 1980's. The Methodology is based on their work. IDEF1X became a NIST Standard in 1993. When I answer Data Modelling questions, I am not supplying some personal method that I wrote a book about, I stand on the shoulders of giants.
I adhere to the Relational Model by Dr E F Codd.
I reject the work of Date; Darwen; Fagin; etc, because it contradicts the Relational Model, it is anti-Relational.
ERD (P Chen) is pre-relational, pre-IDEF1X, and primitive in comparison. It has not concept of the Identifier, it cannot handle a Relational Key. It is staggering that ERD is still being taught as "relational", and IDEF1X is suppressed. For 30 years.
Separately, even where Subtypes are implemented, they are implemented in very limited fashion. Subtypes have the effect of changing the Role of the Supertype. The correct implementation of that is very rare indeed, I have not seen this anywhere (except of course my own database implementations for customers, and a few high-end suppliers).
Point is, that may look "complex" but it isn't, it is actually very simple.
This is where Ken Downs and Chris Behrens confuse modelled simplicity (highly extensible) with unmodelled implementation (incorrect and un-extensible), due to the simplistic approach advised by dwarves such as Martin Fowler. No offence, I understand that people are attached to, and will defend, what they know, however limited as that may be.
notice that each Subtype is also a perfectly valid Entity (Table in the Physical, when we get to that stage) in its own right, and can stand on its own.
for the lower levels or transaction or function tables, which have Relations to these Subtypes, the trick is to use the correct Subtype (Role). The common mistake is they use Party
, and then the meaning of the Subtype or Role, and the correct Referential Integrity is lost.
separately all the RoleNames are derived from Party
, but that is not a valid reason to useParty
instead of the correct Role.
Here you understand the data really well, but (no one has taught you this and) you have confused Roles and Subtypes.
and Fan
are not Parties
. They are Persons
, first (and Person
is a Party
, second)
In order to provide clarity re those points, at this Conceptual level, we need to work with Entities and Identifiers (not Attributes), rather than just Entities. Therefore I have provided that as well.
I point these out before presenting the model, because you appear to be seriously interested in learning IDEF1X, the Standard methodolgy for modelling Relational Databases, with a view to easing your models in the future. SO or any website, is not a good medium for formal interactive education, but we will give it our best shot.
In model (1), Band
cannot be Independent (square corners): since it is identified as being Dependent on Party
; it is a Subtype of Party
; and it has the same Identifier.
The missing Cardinality is critical. Putting it in will actually assist in resolving the model. I am not fussed re IDEF1X (circles) vs IEEE (crows feet), but I always put them in as I go, and keep changing them as the model progresses.
is made up of one-to-many Members
. Et cetera.At this stage the Rules are also very important. Modelling is, in fact, modelling the Rules. Therefore correcting or modulating the Rules is part of the Modelling process.
A Fan can be a fan of of any Band or none at all is not reasonable. If a Person
is none at all then they are a member of the general public, and they have no Relation to any Band
. An ordinary Person
A Fan
has a Relation to at least one Band
. In fact, having a Relation to a Band
is what takes a Person
out of that realm and causes storage of Fan
details or specific fan-of-band details.
If there are is such an Entity as Fan with no Band
(ie. you are storing details of that, separate to Fan
as per my model), please advise, and I will change the model (paper is cheap!).
Verb Phrases are also important at this stage; no less than my point re Rules and Cardinality above, it is a part of the modelling process, and it needs change/modulation as the model progresses. You will not believe how important it is to gett the Verb Phrases right. Putting them in may well have assisted you in clarifying Subtypes vs Roles. Here is a definition that every Data Modeller knows by heart.
The Entities are the Nouns in the model
The Relations are the Verbs, the actions that take place between the Nouns
The Verb Phrases define those actions (that's why they are accurately called Verb Phrases, it is not a funny name).
As described in the IDEF1X Notation document, for Associative tables, read the Verb Phrase "through" them, to the parent on the other side of the association.
A Person
makes one-to-many Bands
, and is thus a Member
A Band
is made up of one-to-many People
, who are Members
A Person
patronises a Band
, which makes them a Fan
(not merely a Person
who has a row in the Fan
A Band
depends on People
, who are Fans
Coming up with the shortest, most meaningful, Verb Phrase; not using simplistic words ("comprises" is to be avoided"), is a challenge for Modellers. Feel free to ameliorate the Verb phrases I supplied.
Here is your Party Data Model at the Entity and Key levels in IDEF1X.
Readers who are unfamiliar with the Standard for Modelling Relational Databases may find my IDEF1X Notation useful.
All I have done is resolve the Subtypes; Roles; the Cardinality of the Relations, as identified above.
The relevance of the Subtypes vs Roles will be more clear to you when you evaluate your second tranche or your transaction Entities (as you have stated, here we have only Identifying Entities).
Identifiers. This is worth spelling out, not only for the purpose of clarifying the model, also because it is a good example of IDEF1X Identifiers being used, and the power they deploy. You have already indicated in your model that you understand that (solid lines), I am merely giving it the full treatment.
and Band
are Subtypes of Party
. They are also Roles of Party
. Therefore we use PersonId
and BandId
from that point downward, not PartyId
(even though it is PartyId
When a Person
plays the Role of Member
, we use MemberId
(which is PersonId
, which is PartyId
When a Person
plays the Role of Fan
, we use FanId
(which is PersonId
, which is PartyId
Let's say you were listing the Fans
of a Band
, your query is centred on Fan
. If you had those Id
Surrogate Keys on every table, you would be forced to join Person
, then join Party
. But with the Relational Identifiers you have, you can go directly to Party
Name -- Party.Name
FROM Party
ON PartyId = FanId
and skip the Band
table in-between. Yes, the truth is, Normalised Relational Database require fewer joins, less resources (processing, cache, disk I/O), and that is one reason why they perform so much better. The myth has no scientific basis.
Please evaluate and ask specific questions.
For a generic treatment of Subtypes, and implementation details for genuine SQL platforms, refer to my Subtype Document.
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 6295
I think this is simpler than you think. You've got two objects - Band and Person, and they can be connected in two different ways, either as a fan or a member. Here is a quickie db script with no foreign keys or anything:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[XREFBandMembers](
[MemberID] [int] NOT NULL,
[BandId] [int] NOT NULL,
[MemberID] ASC,
[BandId] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[XREFBandFans](
[FanId] [int] NOT NULL,
[BandId] [int] NOT NULL,
[FanId] ASC,
[BandId] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[People](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Bands](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
As for the relationship specific attributes, you can place them in the XREF tables, e.g., FanClubMembershipNumber goes in XREFBandFans.
Upvotes: 1