Reputation: 159
How can I find the list of those users who never logged in to their Bitbucket account? Is there any query or macro, or will I have to do it manually ?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5470
Reputation: 3266
In the bitbucket cloud, there is no rest API to get this information but is possible to download a CSV file with this information.
curl!api/internal/workspaces/{workspace_name}/user-list -o users.csv
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Reputation: 4997
Here is some python code that did the trick for me. I had many users (10k+) but <1000 users with permissions. I also have basic authentication (username/passoword) enabled for my bitbucket server. By querying both "users" and "permissions" and merging the results using pandas, I got a pretty good result. I can open it in excel and filter on only users that have not been logged on for many days, or not at all.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import requests
import datetime
import urllib3
bitbucket_url = "https://my-bitbucket-server"
users_url = bitbucket_url + "/rest/api/1.0/admin/users?limit=1000&start="
permissions_url = bitbucket_url + "/rest/api/1.0/admin/permissions/users?limit=1000&start="
out_filename = r"C:\mypath\authenticatedUsers.csv"
username = "myusername"
password = "mypassword"
def get_responses(url,username,password):
json_responses = []
with requests.Session() as s:
s.auth = (username,password)
start = 0
response = s.get(url + str(start),verify=False)
json_response = json.loads(response.text)
if "values" not in json_response:
print("Error:" + response.text)
json_responses += json_response["values"]
if(len(json_response["values"]) < 1000):
start += 1000
return json_responses
users = pd.DataFrame(get_responses(users_url,username=username,password=password))
users["DaysSinceAuth"] = np.floor(( - users.lastAuthenticationTimestamp/1000)/3600/24)
permissions = get_responses(permissions_url,username=username,password=password)
permissions = pd.DataFrame([{"id":p["user"]["id"],"permission":p["permission"]} for p in permissions])
usersmerged = users.merge(permissions,how="inner",on="id")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 135
Here is a solution for Postgresql, notice that you may want to consider the creation date of a user to exclude those that got their access yesterday and did not mange to login yet.
Users who have not logged in for one year or never, but who exist for at least one year:
select * from (SELECT distinct cu.lower_user_name
,to_timestamp(CAST(attribute_value AS BIGINT)/1000) AS last_login
FROM cwd_user As cu
LEFT JOIN cwd_membership AS cm
ON cu.directory_id=cm.directory_id
AND cu.lower_user_name=cm.lower_child_name
AND cm.membership_type='GROUP_USER'
LEFT JOIN cwd_user_attribute As cua
ON cu.ID = cua.user_id and
WHERE is_active = 'T'AND (cm.lower_parent_name='stash-users' OR
OR cm.lower_parent_name='stash' OR
cm.lower_parent_name='bitbucket') ) q1
where (last_login < current_date - (365) or last_login is null)
and created_date < current_date - (365);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3
See also the Atlassian KB on the topic: In essence, Bitbucket Server (and Data Center):
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51
You can do this with SQL query to database:
SELECT cu.lower_user_name
,dateadd(second,cast(cast(cua.attribute_value AS nvarchar(255)) AS bigint)/1000,'19700101 00:00:00:000') AS LAST_LOGIN
FROM [BitBucketDB].[dbo].[cwd_user] As cu
LEFT JOIN [BitBucketDB].[dbo].cwd_membership AS cm
ON cu.directory_id=cm.directory_id
AND cu.lower_user_name=cm.lower_child_name
AND cm.membership_type='GROUP_USER'
LEFT JOIN [BitBucketDB].[dbo].cwd_user_attribute As cua
ON cu.ID = cua.user_id and cua.attribute_name='lastAuthenticationTimestamp'
WHERE cm.lower_parent_name='stash-users'
Upvotes: 2