
Reputation: 21514

What's the best strategy to provide different comparison operators for the same class?

Consider this simple class storing a value and a time.

class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;

Depending on the context, I need to compare two instances of A by value or by time (and/or store them in set/map, sometimes sorted by value, sometimes by time).

Providing operator< will be confusing, because you can't tell if it will compare by value or by time.

Now, what's the best strategy?

What would be the best practice?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 176

Answers (4)


Reputation: 21514

Another approach, very simple: add template comparator functions to the A class makes it easy to do a comparison in the end and is really error prone:

#include <iostream>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

class A
    int when;
    double value;

    int getTime() const { return when; }
    double getValue() const { return value; }

    template<typename T>
    bool isLower( T (A::*getter)() const,
                  bool strict,
                  const A& right ) const
        if ( strict )
            return ((*this).*getter)() < (right.*getter)();
            return ((*this).*getter)() <= (right.*getter)();

    template<typename T>
    bool isGreater( T (A::*getter)() const,
                    bool strict,
                    const A& right ) const
        if ( strict )
            return ((*this).*getter)() > (right.*getter)();
            return ((*this).*getter)() >= (right.*getter)();

    template<typename T>
    bool isEqual( T (A::*getter)() const,
                  const A& right ) const
        return ((*this).*getter)() == (right.*getter)();                  

struct byTime_compare {
    bool operator() (const A& lhs, const A& rhs) const {
        return lhs.isLower( &A::getTime, true, rhs );

int main()
    A a, b;

    if ( a.isLower( &A::getValue, true, b ) ) // means a < b by value
        // ...

    std::set<A, byTime_compare> mySet;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 652

short answer: don't I explained why in a comment, the main reason is, it introduces ambiguity in your code and reduces readability which is the opposite of what operators are meant to do. Just use different methods and provide ways to pick which one to use for this sort (like comparers). While I was typing this, people posted good examples of that, even some using a bit of metaprogramming.

however, for science, you kinda can. While you can't add a parameter to an operator (a binary operator is a binary operator, and there doesn't seem to be a syntax to add this third argument somewhere) you can make your operator mean different things in different contexts (c++ context, for a line of code or for a block delimited by '{}')

here done very quickly using construction/destruction order (similar implementation to a trivial lock with no consideration for thread safety):

the comparison looks like:

Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), Thing{1, 2} < Thing{3, 4};

run this example online:

#include <iostream>

struct Thing {
    struct thingSortingMode {
        enum mode {

        mode myLastMode;

        thingSortingMode(mode aMode) { myLastMode = Thing::ourSortingMode; Thing::ourSortingMode = aMode; std::cout << "\nmode: " << aMode << "\n"; }
        ~thingSortingMode() { Thing::ourSortingMode = myLastMode; std::cout << "\nmode: " << myLastMode << "\n";}

    bool operator < (Thing another) {
        switch (ourSortingMode) //I use an enum, to make the example more accessible, you can use a functor instead if you want
            case thingSortingMode::alternateMode:
                return myValueB < another.myValueB;

                return myValueA < another.myValueA;

    static thingSortingMode::mode ourSortingMode;

    int myValueA;
    int myValueB;

Thing::thingSortingMode::mode Thing::ourSortingMode = Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode;

int main()
  Thing a{1, 1}, b{0, 2}; // b < a in default mode, a < b in alternate mode

  std::cout << (a < b); //false

    Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode);

    std::cout << (a < b); //true
    Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), std::cout << (a < b), //false
        Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), std::cout << (a < b); //true

    std::cout << (a < b); //true

  std::cout << (a < b); //false

Note that this construction/destruction trick can manage any kind of contextual state, here is a richer example with 4 states and more nested contexts

run this example online:

#include <iostream>

struct Thing {
    struct thingSortingMode {
        enum mode {
            defaultMode = 1,

        mode myLastMode;

        thingSortingMode(mode aMode) { myLastMode = Thing::ourSortingMode; Thing::ourSortingMode = aMode; std::cout << "\nmode: " << myLastMode << " -> " << aMode << "\n"; }
        ~thingSortingMode() { std::cout << "\nmode: " << Thing::ourSortingMode << " -> " << myLastMode << "\n"; Thing::ourSortingMode = myLastMode; }

    static thingSortingMode::mode ourSortingMode;

Thing::thingSortingMode::mode Thing::ourSortingMode = Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode;

int main()
    Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::mode3);
        Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode);
            Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::mode4);
                Thing::thingSortingMode ctx(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode);
                std::cout << "end sub 3 (mode 1)\n";

            std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), "this is the kind of things that might behave strangely\n") <<
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), "here both are printed in mode 2, but it's a direct consequence of the order in which this expression is evaluated\n"); //note though that arguments are still constructed in the right state

            std::cout << "end sub 2 (mode 4). Not that we still pop our states in the right order, even if we screwed up the previous line\n";

        std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::alternateMode), "this on the other hand (mode 2)\n"),
        std::cout << 
                (Thing::thingSortingMode(Thing::thingSortingMode::defaultMode), "works (mode 1)\n"); //but pay attention to the comma and in which order things are deleted

        std::cout << "end sub 1 (mode 2)\n";
    std::cout << "end main (mode 3)\n";


mode: 1 -> 3

mode: 3 -> 2

mode: 2 -> 4

mode: 4 -> 1
end sub 3 (mode 1)

mode: 1 -> 4

mode: 4 -> 1

mode: 1 -> 2
this is the kind of things that might behave strangely
here both are printed in mode 2, but it's a direct consequence of the order in which this expression is evaluated

mode: 2 -> 1

mode: 1 -> 4
end sub 2 (mode 4). Not that we still pop our states in the right order, even if we screwed up the previous line

mode: 4 -> 2

mode: 2 -> 2
this on the other hand (mode 2)

mode: 2 -> 1
works (mode 1)

mode: 1 -> 2

mode: 2 -> 2
end sub 1 (mode 2)

mode: 2 -> 3
end main (mode 3)

mode: 3 -> 1

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 21514

Reacting to UKMonkey comment, would defining what I understand could be named "comparator classes" be a good approach/practice?

class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;

    const boost::posix_time::ptime& getTime() const { return when; }
    double getValue() const { return value; }

template <typename T>
class CompareBy
    CompareBy( const A& a, T (A::*getter)() const ) : a(a), getter(getter)

    bool operator<( const CompareBy& right ) const
        return (a.*getter)() < (right.a.*getter)();

    // you may also declare >, <=, >=, ==, != operators here

    const A& a;
    T (A::*getter)() const;

class CompareByTime : public CompareBy<const boost::posix_time::ptime&>
    CompareByTime(const A& a) : CompareBy(a, &A::getTime)

class CompareByValue : public CompareBy<double>
    CompareByValue( const A& a ) : CompareBy(a, &A::getValue)

struct byTime_compare {
    bool operator() (const A& lhs, const A& rhs) const {
        return CompareByTime(lhs) < CompareByTime(rhs);

int main()
    A a, b;


    if (CompareByValue(a) < CompareByValue(b))

    std::set<A, byTime_compare> mySet;

Upvotes: 1

Richard Hodges
Richard Hodges

Reputation: 69882

IMHO the most versatile way is a 2-step process:

  1. make ADL getters.

  2. write comparison concepts in terms of those getters.


#include <boost/date_time.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

class A
    boost::posix_time::ptime when;
    double value;

// get the 'when' from an A
auto get_when(A const& a) -> boost::posix_time::ptime 
    return a.when; 

// get the 'when' from a ptime (you could put this in the boost::posix_time namespace for easy ADL    
auto get_when(boost::posix_time::ptime t) -> boost::posix_time::ptime 
    return t; 

// same for the concept of a 'value'
auto get_value(A const& a) -> double 
    return a.value; 

auto get_value(double t) -> double 
    return t; 

// compare any two objects by calling get_when() on them    
struct increasing_when
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
        return get_when(l) < get_when(r);

// compare any two objects by calling get_value() on them    
struct increasing_value
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const
        return get_value(l) < get_value(r);

void example1(std::vector<A>& as)
    // sort by increasing when
    std::sort(begin(as), end(as), increasing_when());

    // sort by increasing value
    std::sort(begin(as), end(as), increasing_value());

int main()
    // same for associative collections
    std::set<A, increasing_when> a1;
    std::set<A, increasing_value> a2;


If you want, you can templatise the comparison:

template<class Comp>
struct compare_when
    template<class L, class R>
    bool operator()(L&& l, R&& r) const

        return comp(get_when(l), get_when(r));

    Comp comp;

using increasing_when = compare_when<std::less<>>;
using decreasing_when = compare_when<std::greater<>>;

to use the comparison directly in code:

auto comp = compare_when<std::greater<>>();
if (comp(x,y)) { ... }

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