Reputation: 3381
to compile a haskell library to use in C++ today I use stack ghc:
stack ghc -- -c -dynamic -fPIC -XHaskell2010 -XOverloadedStrings TestFFI.hs
stack ghc -- --make -dynamic -shared -fPIC -XHaskell2010 -XOverloadedStrings TestFFI.hs -o
gcc -fPIC -c test.c -I`stack ghc -- --print-libdir`/include
stack ghc --package Test -- -o -shared -dynamic -fPIC TestFFI.o -lHSrts-ghc8.0.2 -lHStimezone-olson-0.1.7-Ib9s8yi63Kn858Rr44Ixqe-ghc8.0.2 test.o
It works, but it has a problem for deploy, when I use ldd command on generated library, all the path is pointing for my HOME folder, I would like to generate a static library, with static dependencies, to avoid install Haskell on the user system.
Ps: I will use Haskell library on C++ code, but Haskell FFI works only with C.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 217