Reputation: 1306
Trying to setup webrtc video chat in the ios app and faced such problem - after creating videoTrack and add renderer to it - nothing happens. The renderer view still black and there are no video. Here is the code:
let localRenderView = RTCEAGLVideoView.init(frame: CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 30, y: 30), size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 300)))
let pcFactory = RTCPeerConnectionFactory()
let config = RTCConfiguration.init()
let constraints:[String:String] = ["OfferToReceiveAudio":"true", "OfferToReceiveVideo":"true"]
rtcMediaConstaints = RTCMediaConstraints.init(mandatoryConstraints: constraints, optionalConstraints: nil)
peerConnection = pcFactory?.peerConnection(with: config, constraints: rtcMediaConstaints!, delegate: self)
if let device = getFrontCameraDevice() {
print("RtcCommunicationChannel: init capturer")
let videoSource = pcFactory?.videoSource()
let capturer = RTCCameraVideoCapturer.init(delegate: videoSource!)
let videoTrack = pcFactory?.videoTrack(with: videoSource!, trackId: "localVideoTrack")
videoTrack?.isEnabled = true
let peerConnectionSender = peerConnection?.sender(withKind: kRTCMediaStreamTrackKindVideo, streamId: "localStreamId")
peerConnectionSender?.track = videoTrack!
sender.localStreamAdded(peerId: peerId, stream: localStream!)
print("RtcCommunicationChannel: init capturer end")
capturer.startCapture(with: device, format: self.selectFormatForDevice(device: device), fps: 60)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1646
Reputation: 57
You can use the RTCCameraPreviewView. As per documentation "RTCCameraPreviewView is a view that renders local video from an AVCaptureSession."
func onLocalStreamReadyForRender() {
let frame = localVideoView!.frame
let rtcVideoView = RTCCameraPreviewView.init(frame: CGRect.init())
rtcVideoView.frame = frame
rtcVideoView.frame.origin.x = 0
rtcVideoView.frame.origin.y = 0
Upvotes: 1